Why doesn’t this ever happen to me? If this can happen at a sophisticated financial institution, it can certainly happen in government. Yet liberals say it’s unconstitutional for someone to locate said mistakes and fraud. They want to prevent someone from finding these mistakes. Citi mistakenly credits $81 trillion to customer account
With a 1% annual rate checking account interest rate the overnight interest would be… $2.2B. So at 4 hours he might have “earned” $300M. Nice. The liberal bashing nonsense of the OP is to be ignored.
That’s pretty amazing Citi lacks the controls to prevent an error of that size. I wonder if the employees involved were distracted …. busy chatting with federal intelligence employees about trans sex, etc?
More like people not liking hiring know-nothings that could quite easily transfer $81T to Russia on purpose I mean by mistake.
This is kind of like when DOGE listed an $8 million contract as an $8 billion contract to show everyone how much money it was saving.
No, the same people that prevent that. If you notice, there has been no evidence provided of fraudulent payments found. There is a reason for that. The really funny part is the proportion of that based in "identity theft" is probably a net positive for the government. Most people doing that are undocumented people trying to pay into the system so as to not get caught by an employer or a government investigator picking through their employer. The government is quite efficient at cutting off payments upon receiving notice of death (which they pretty much always receive).
We're still waiting for the person that made the accusation to prove to us that they are receiving money
Now apply that same logic to our $36T federal debt (at significantly higher interest rates) and you will see why DOGE is necessary.
It happens! A few years ago at my previous company, I logged into my credit union website on payday like I normally did and found a deposit of over half a million dollars into my checking account! Whoa! I knew I had a good month of sales but wow! There was also a six figure deposit to my 401k account. I called our CFO to let him know that obviously an error had been made. When I told him what happened all he said was oh shit, oh shit and hung up on me. He called back an hour later and said that he had made a mistake while doing payroll (it was a small company). He mistakenly entered my commission dollars due as hours worked and created a mess. I asked aren't there thresholds or notifications in the payroll system that would notify someone of a potential mistake like this? Apparently there was not. I still have that check copy framed!
$81T in a money market paying 5% for one day gets you $1.1 Billion. Oops, sorry, I’ll have that money sent right away (tomorrow).