How about you do some reading and tell us, so far your qualifications are that you used to play basketball in the streets. Do you even go to church? I know you arent southern, so why didnt you stay with 'your own kind?'
As usual, you know nothing about the nature of people. I am southern and fortunately was raised right. I treat everyone respectfully. The only group of Americans who catch my ire are condescending, white do-gooder libbies. You people are quite hateful and insufferable.
You Yankee carpetbaggers move down here for 5 minutes and you start acting like you're Colonel Sanders
Of course, he'd always get your hopes up by rallying or having a great quarter. . . only to throw a pick at the most crucial moment. Which makes it even worse.
...and a crude sense of humor. Which is par for the course in a locker room (and LR culture). But you're absolutely right--behaviorwise, I've never heard a peep about him actually being racist. Classic example imo, is how he favored Pitts over Alstott. If he was actually racist, he's favoring MA all day long--which the fans would have loved, bc the Atrain was beloved as he was always a Buc, while Pitts was a hired gun he brought in. Plenty of other examples, but that one jumps right out.
Hmm. This thread brings some issues forward. First, all the mean things I ever said about Julia Roberts and her twin Notting Hills I take back. May I never put them in writing. Second, moving southwards makes one a Yankee carpetbagger. Can people stop calling me a Yankee carpetbagger now? I technically moved northwards. Third, Tampa Bay has "not sucked" for long enough now to have their own ring of honor. I am speechless on that one. Marty McFly, why didn't you warn us?