I'll say it. It is unsafe to fly under Donald Trump. The evidence is overwhelming. Rash firings and unqualified hires have every traveler in jeopardy now. Do so at your own risk.
Air travel hasn’t been this dangerous since Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers because they wanted a pay raise. Republicans are a disaster at governing.
Saw that video yesterday. Southwest pilot is a hero. That could have been really bad. Could be ATC fault but could also be the pilot of the small jet being a moron.
NTSB blames Southwest Chicago near miss on Flexjet crew 'failure' to listen to air traffic control Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
The airline industry is going to absolutely tank under Trump with everything that keeps happening. So much winning!
Just make sure you’re up to date on vaccines and boosters so if you crash at least you didn’t die from Covid.
I have a friend that would never travel on the same plane as his wife. I used to think he was cray, but now I'm considering doing the same.
Kind of silly though. There’s a ton of room before air travel reaches the risk factor of driving, much less surpassing it. Currently driving is 190x riskier. If they want to mitigate risk they should drive in different cars at all times.
This isn't a new thing, it's been getting progressively worse post COVID, for many years now. Trump is making it worse by sending these stupid sound bites and emails. Moral is low, sleep is disrupted. Just a matter of time before something else happens. I work in aviation, none of this is a surprise to me or my coworkers. More accidents will occur without major changes to air travel.
Plane spotters, videoing the traffic at SFO catch an Emirates A380 cleared to enter 28R and take off as a Qantas 787 Dreamliner makes its final approach and has to declare a "go-around" to avoid landing on top of the A380. Just wild stuff at the airports these days. I don't see how this can become a political thread, it is a screw up by either the ground controller, tower controller or the pilot in the A380.