This is so disgusting. It is appalling to think that a sitting president would be so gauche and tone-deaf as to propose profiting from all the misery and death that has occurred there. A gold statue of himself and a Tump Hotel-really? There is nothing that he proposes that will not profit him in some way. Read some comments from IG below. Even his supporters are embarrasse kapitalofficial 1d This has to be the most disrespectful and tone death thing a president could do. Have you not understood or read the room. A destroyed country with countless women and children is not something to neglect or poke fun at. Images on you and Netenyahu on sun loungers sipping cocktails is so disrespectful I have no words. The thing is you didn’t have to post this. But you didn’t care about the perception. You didn’t care about the people who care for that place or the people who also have had their lives destroyed. You renamed the place in your honour. No real Trump supporter should support this post. It’s too far, it’s not what we expect from a leader of this magnitude. I’m hoping this account has been hacked but something is telling me it hasn’t. History will archive such a post. 162,198 likes Reply Vie ingateka 18h I’ve always considered myself a strong Republican, but watching this really made me think. The elites are out there sipping cocktails on land that was torn apart by war, while regular people like us struggle every day, blaming immigrants for problems we didn’t even create. Feels like we’ve been played. Maybe it’s time to take a step back and rethink who’s really on our side. And I’m not feeling it’s these men. 9,652 likes Reply View all 28 replies lucaslye 1d As a trump supporter, horrible post 111,333 likes Reply View all 248 replies brit_galvin 11h I’m not going to lie. This video is very disturbing and makes me want to puke. So people are supposed to celebrate over the graves of hundreds of thousands of murdered innocent children and women? Where their homes used to be? Where my friends FAMILY sheltered from bombs? We are supposed to just sip margaritas there? This isn’t it, my boy. I don’t like this. And I don’care who sees this and doesn’t agree. 2,473 likes Reply View all 13 replies ayana.bigo 1d This video is truly horrifying. They are dancing and celebrating over the bodies of innocent children who were killed. It’s as if the sacrifice of these children was made for their God Satan, and now they are rejoicing over their graves. Seeing them party alongside the monstrous Netanyahu in such a scene is beyond disturbing. And those cross-dressing men with beards dancing only add to the unsettling nature of it all. Either this video is fake, or this person is truly one of the most heartless beings on earth. If anyone still supports him after seeing this, I can’t understand how, because this is pure evil.
Has the gop house proposed a copy of that giant golden statue of the orange god for somewhere in Washington DC yet?
If this is truly real, and now that we are living in a world of AI and misinformation I take everything I see with a grain of salt on the internet, this is an abomination. Sipping drinks, with Netanyahu and Elon on a beach on top of the graves of children and mothers. If true it just shows that this president and his minions are truly "DEPLOARBLE". Shame on all who support this megalomanic and his posse of rich entitled SOB's. I hope you're proud. Disgusting.
This was posted here a day or two ago. No Trumper here cares. I agree that this is an inconceivably abhorrent thing for a President to publish. Truly beyond the pale. But no one cares. It's sad and I hope we can return to some semblance of sanity before it's too late
Not yet but it's only a matter of time. They've already proposed adding the the face of the Dear Leader to Mt. Rushmore and renaming Washington Dulles International Airport after him.
There was a fake AI video that went viral showing a 200 ft Jesus statue that Trump had supposedly erected at the White House. Trump supporters will literally believe anything. It got reposted and shared 1000s of times. A 200-foot Jesus statue outside the White House? No, that’s AI | Fact check