Yeah, and those "man" roids she's taking makes her look even nastier... I can't wait till she stops shaving her face.
From the ratings, one could easily surmise that well over 99% of the US population agrees with you. We do seem to have a very high concentration of .3% that actually watch her that post on this board.
I don't understand how people can watch anything so overtly biased. It's like watching a car salesman for a hour.
Well maybe she attracts people with three digit IQ’s who don’t have short attention spans. After all she is a Rhodes scholar with a pHd in political science who does exhaustive research. Meanwhile the right has Sean Hannity who barely got through high school but does have an honorary degree from Liberty University (go eagles), does zero research, and makes stuff up just to see what sticks, and was named in the Dominion lawsuit lie that cost Fox 787 million dollars.
I don't care if her IQ is 2000, she's a shill and I don't waste my time with PR shills. If I wanted to be sold something, I'd go to a car dealership or mattress store. Same reason I don't watch FOX. It's PR.
Used car salesmen at Buy Here, Pay Here lots are more honest than network and cable news outlets. If there were such a thing as used mattress salesmen, they would be the same relative to media.
Same for FOX. Same for most US news outlets, frankly. It's the nature of our system. People want confirmation bias. They do not want their world view challenged at all. It's the reason we have a crisis of leadership, people don't want to hear conflicting views and politicians are too gutless to challenge that.
Actually I think she does a pretty good job. I know her thoroughly complex monologues simply aren’t for everyone, but she uncovers the little details that others are too lazy to uncover which makes her sui generis. It’s called investigative journalism which used to be the standard, but now ignored as being too expensive by media executives.
It's more her thoroughly biased monologues that's the problem. Again, if it wanted to be sold, I'd go buy a mattress. So, for now, I'll stick to France 24, thanks. Even their debates about US topics are better than anything on US television. Hint: They just tell me. They don't try to SELL me.
It’s that cable TV is in a state of flux. Before the 90’s when FoxNews went on the air we had legitimate journalism with the likes of Walter Cronkite, Bob Woodward, and Edward Murrow that had a team doing research for them. The only outlet for the right was on AM radio. FoxNews came along where there was zero research, and journalists sat around and interviewed each other. People liked that so others like CNN and MSNBC started using that model. Right wing corporations like Sinclair bought up hundreds of small AM radio stations and started pumping out right wing talking points with the likes of Limbaugh. Now it’s cable. So it’s just evolution.
I'm old enough to remember that and was a journalist in another life. I haven't wasted my time with domestic outlets (outside of some YT channels) for over a decade because it's all about money to them now and keeping their audiences tethered to them. If you like old school, try France 24. English language broadcast is free, 24/7 on YT. Largest contingent of real, on-the-ground reporters in the world. They're the ones who outed CNN for that fake prisoner story in Syria.