Was it Felipe that got a penalty because his pant leg was above his knee? To me that was a ticky-tack call intended to set the Gators back. Now guys look like they are wearing biker shorts and when did not wearing your mouth guard become a trend?
Can we all agree that butt-targeting should NOT be a penalty? Targeting should only be called for hits to the head and neck area of the defender.
Ive already used one "my wife" joke on this...dont make me go into my grab bag again because this is a big softball staring me in the face.
Regarding unfair or downright dirty officiating, the absolute worst case I have ever seen was the Swindle. No one will ever convince me that wasn't a cold calculated set up by the ACC refs and that cheating A Hole Jack Childress. How much money did he get from an FSU booster? This game was a classic screw job. One could see 1,2 maybe even 3 mistakes - SIX?? And I'm only talking the major screw calls. Ya know, the turnovers they refused to give UF? An ACC ref crew should NEVER be allowed to step in the Swamp again!
Rick, considering that "tackle" football no longer exists, the refs can call plays any way they want, a perfect set up for people with money, think gambling or alumni freaks from Bama / Ohio State for example, who are more than happy to pay for cheating, to win games. A ref just throws a flag on a "close" call and gets his after game commission. When I say tackling no longer exists, defensive players can't make "hard" hits anymore. Even if it's legit, the ref's don't want to allow it. In fact I'm not so sure some recent Gator defensive coaches new how to "teach" tackling to deal with the new flag football rules. May have been a reason UF absolutely sucked on defense the last 4 -1/2 years. Personally, I fully expect a significant increase in cheating, gambling (throwing games) and controlling the playoff narrative. For those that think this post is over the top consider this: What key group is missing OUT on the cash machine of College Football now? Refs of course. These are human beings, subject to all the ugly aspects of human behavior.............just like law enforcement officers. My point is, I think the bad seeds see a real opportunity now, with the NIL wild wild west, to ratchet up the corruption. That door is open IMO. Brought to you courtesy of Conference Commissioners and University Presidents. It would be no surprise to me at all to see the playoffs and perhaps entire regular season influenced by these bad actors and eventually exposed. The question is, how deep will that rabbit hole be? It's inevitable, IMO.
That bastard Childress reffed a bowl game that same year. The league didn’t do shit about it. That game jaded me forever on crooked officiating.
NOOO, targetting is as much about protecting the defender as it is for the Offensive player. If a defender target the guy in the middle of his back or butt in this case), the defender could still break his own neck.
Which is what many said in the few days after our game. That it was to protect the tackler. IDK- it's funny how these strange things always happen to the Gators at critical moments.
I can't remember which game it was, but I saw a clip on twitter of the ACC chain gang just move back a yard after a first down play and before the 2nd down play. It was obvious and egregious, yet I didn't hear a peep about it. The chip in ball has been a thing in soccer for years to determine goal/no goal. This is a no brainer what took so long situation. Gambling is ruining the sport way faster than NIL IMO.
Chip may be sufficient for measurements after the ball is placed, but wouldn’t be much good by itself for placement itself. Have to have some mechanism of determining when the player is down too. Just a comment, not necessarily a direct response to your post.
For sure, but it's very simple to sync video and ball location to timestamps. Video shows down at X time, where was the ball at that time. For no visual, you can determine forward progress vs a whistle. I would bet AI could give near instant ball placement instructions with clear video or whistle noise. And it could have a tolerance to, where it only corrects if ref placement is off by more than like the length of the ball.