Bias =/= patent lies. Everyone has bias, even the most objective people/sources. Not everyone fabricates false narratives (especially to the point there are no colorable defenses such that it requires a billion dollar settlement).
tbh, I don't listen to MSNBC that much, but I have no problems with accepting that they are 'biased.' That seems like it may be accurate for all I personally know or see. But if you think that's even close to Fox, then we could argue that point. Fox is quite more than "hot garbage." Fox is literally a purveyor of lies and mistruths. That is quite different from being "biased." That is downright harmful to our country and un-American. They are literally a mouthpiece for the biggest liar in American political history. To the point, obviously, of having to pay appx $800 million for spewing the defamatory lies of said un-American liar. It's absolutely not the same thing.
A media keeping the truth hidden or not telling the whole story IS purveying untruths. If you have two kids and they both steal cookies and your daughter tells you that your son stole the cookies. It isnt technically a lie, but it isnt the truth. Half truths in media can be very dangerous
LOL. Nobody lies like Fox, right-wing "media", or the current pseudo-President of the United States - who directs the lies of right-wing "media." Sorry, but your fixating on a single opinion commentator won't make them equal.
I don’t watch MSNBC or Maddow but I don’t think that is the rebuttal you believe it is. Everyone gets things wrong from time to time. Pointing out a particularly vitriolic host had 14 negative fact checks over at least 16 years isn’t nearly the same thing as an intentional fabrication orchestrated across an entire network spanning numerous shows and hosts.
I haven’t watched MSNBC in a long time, but the little bit I recall of Joy Reid I didn’t really consider her or her show particularly interesting, insightful or unique.
Not trying to equate them really. I dont watch either one. Just laughing at how people act like there isnt a liberal lie factory floating around. And my guess is the "single opinion commentator" isnt the only liar on their network.
I doubt they fact check her every word. But point taken. My point is really that opinion journalism isn't journalism at all. One network may tell blatant lies and the other other may withhold untold truths. Both have their dangers to a nation of single source viewers. They both just fan flames of division. Would you agree?
I don’t disagree. My problem is that many claim all media is bad when it’s clearly not the case. There are many good outlets like Reuters, BBC, Pew Research, etc. but people will still claim they’re divisive.