With respect- the conversation ensued bc you literally said you’d love for me to elaborate. I certainly wasn’t intending to push my opinions on someone uninterested.
All good, just funnin’ with your idea of self-preservation like you fun with my reference to ego. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Are you underestimating the possibility that CMW's competitive spirit keeps him coaching at the major level? My uninformed opinion is that he may have made the move as a matter of preserving his career. Some people just love to compete, love the game, etc. and can not imagine a life w/o it. For such people, your suggestion about retirement is not an option, esp. at such a young age.
I have never suggested retirement. The retirement comment was in regard to the fact he has earned enough to financially provide for his family. It was a challenge to the notion of “self-preservation” that was presented earlier. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
As @gatordavisl alluded to… the “self preservation” was in reference to his career and career path. I never intended to suggest he was saving himself from certain poverty. Anyway, I think we’ve beaten this one to death. lol.
Understand my brother. My kids are getting older and doing the same. No worries my brother. I was legit just asking. Enjoy your kids as they will not be young forever. Embrace those precious moments as much as possible
You might be misinterpreting. You made a suggestion "about retirement" (i.e. about the potential of MW retiring).
His career path would have been just fine if he went elsewhere (possibly better); this was about the $$$. His ability to earn significant money was likely never in jeopardy. Agree, beaten to death. Just didn't understand his comment about suggesting retirement...thought we had already covered everything before that post came up. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
You are a fun dude, but I have no idea if you are trying to be funny or if you are genuinely not sure about what I meant. In case you are trying to be funny, I have this response for you: If you are unsure of my meaning (even with the added context I provided), please let me know where you think I made such a "suggestion" (quote, please) and I'll be happy to explain what I meant (if I didn't do so sufficiently already). You guys are both great contributors here, and I'm more than happy to elaborate where I am coming from if need be. I thought I clarified that I wasn't suggesting he retire, but I know people interpret things all kinds of ways on these boards. It's a fascinating experience over time, truly. Just happy that Mike White is at Georgia and Todd Golden is at FLORIDA. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Yeah, I think you still don't understand what I wrote. I did not write that you "suggested retirement," as in suggested that he should retire. OTOH you quite clearly made a suggestion "about retirement" as in . . .
That's not a "suggestion." At no point was I implying it was a possibility or proposing that it was desirable that he retired; only that he was financially secure enough to retire if he wanted to (yes, we all know that that's not what AKA meant when he originally expressed "self-preservation" - we covered that long ago, what are we doing now? lol). I thought I sufficiently covered this above. Sorry if I didn't make that more clear. Hopefully it is now? Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS