With everyone pretty much back and healthy except Alexis, I'm wondering what everyone thinks about our starting lineup going forward. Despite what Patric Young said (I don't know which game he was watching), we started Haugh and Cinyelu along with the usual 3 guards. Should we go back to Condon instead of Haugh now that he has a game under his belt? What about starting Handlogten over Chinyeleu? Or maybe Denzel over Martin, who was struggling before the injury and is still struggling somewhat? I know it is who finishes, not who starts, that matters, but wonder if there isn't a different lineup that could get us off to better starts. Running out of games to sort out the preferred front court pairings.
I have asked myself this same question after we saw Micah for the first time this season. Clayton Martin Richard Condon Micah I didn't really understand Aberdeens lack of mins last night, unless it was a matchup problem or maybe Golden just didjt like his energy. Other possibility is go back to your original 5, but Martin just hasn't been consistent the last 10 games or so. He's been great at times and just a liability at other times. If hes struggling early move Richard to the 2 and bring Haugh in. Haugh has been great all year, last night was his worst performance all year, so I feel confident saying it was just an off night and he will bounce back. Chin was great against LSU, but I think Micah may give us more at that spot especially alongside condon. The offensive rebounding alone would be enough for me to try it. Then bring Chin with his energy off the bench to spell Micah.
It's a blessing and a curse to have this much depth, but I would rather have it than not everyday of the week.
It's a tough choice between Micah and Chins. Micah is better with each game back, but Chins has been on a steady upward arc this season. I guess I'd stay with the current starting 5 due to conditioning worries for Micah.
I think that is the right answer as well and bring Micah in to spell him. I'm more interested in what we do with Martin/Haugh. Is there enough ball handling/shooting to go Clayton, Richard, Haugh, Condon, Chin?
Good topic. Martin was getting beat off the dribble with regularity last night. Maybe he’s still recovering. And I’m a big Tommy Haugh fan. Chinyelu is an incredible athlete at his size but his hands leave something lacking. I suspect the starting lineup will go back to the original group. Haugh, Aberdeen and Handlogten, or some combination of them, will get starter minutes depending on the circumstances. In Golden’s brief stint at UF, he seems to like older, experienced guards, so I think he sticks with Clayton, Richard and Martin as starters. Condon needs to be on the floor, so he’s a definite. Chinyelu, Handlogten and Haugh bring different things to the game, so I don’t know how you decide here. It might depend on egos and chemistry, whatever that is. And we need more minutes for Klavzar. Deepest Gator team in memory!
Golden seems to be experimenting with the lineup as of late. Like someone said, it’s a good problem to have, but we need to figure which lineup is best and get them going before tourney time.
I’d like Denzel play the point and have Clayton at the two, Richard, Haugh and Chin. Clayton is our best shooter and most effective playing the two. Haugh is a better offensive player than Condon and defends just as well as him.
I'm largely good with sticking with the original starting lineup. Haugh and DA coming off the bench bring you juice. Klavzar brings an offensive wrinkle. If there were any starting LU change I'd be OK with, I'd swap DA for AM. This is all somewhat academic as minute allocation is the real question. Also - I was "looking" at the bench last night as we struggled and noticed that I was always hoping to have players on the bench in the game. Didn't matter who it was. If they weren't in the game (and since we were sucking), I wanted those guys on the bench in to change the game. This speaks to our amazing depth that we actually trust. It's not just "depth", it's actual depth.
I am not suggesting a late season change, but my favorite lineup is: DA Clayton Richard Haugh Chinny Richard is a guy who usually shows his hand early in a game. Often, he will either be dominant, or non-existent. And so… that call between Will and Martin could be a quick pull.
I've felt for two years that this team goes as Will Richard goes. (not that we can't win without him balling out / but if he's on - say goodnight) I think last night was the first time that didn't hold true.
Not against TAMMY as they are going to pack the paint and getting offensive rebounds will be limited. Chins has shown great improvement at eht FT line last 2 games, wheras, Handles is still a liability. Then again the 3 guards and Haugh were liabilities last night. I'd start Condo along with the regular 5 against TAMMY.
Richard isn’t a great ball handler and neither is Haugh. Klav in the starting lineup with Haugh, Martin, and Aberdeen off the bench isn’t a bad idea though.
For TAMU, I would like to see us come out with a lineup of Clayton, Richard, Haugh, Condon and Chinyelu. Three shooters and three big time rebounders to match TAMUs physicality on the boards.
Haven’t read above but I feel like Haugh and Chin together is the best starting line up. No offense to Condon and I don’t like saying it as a demotion because it’s not. And then Condon and Handlo coming in off the bench together as the twin towers would create some forced shots.
Micah shot 38% from the free-throw line last season, and he's 20% so far this season. Time to call Canyon Barry in to teach him the underhand shot.