I guess the liberals will never use the $250 bill. So more for the Republicans. Can’t wait to see liberals burning $250 bills. I guess the bigger question is whether liberals have enough money for a $250 bill.
I already got my Trump silver eagle that is PSA certified. Can't wait to get my hands on some Trump greenbacks. Roll my naked body around with them.
It will never happen since in 1866 congress passed a law that states only dead presidents can appear on any U.S. currency to avoid the appearance of being a monarchy.
Nobody uses cash anymore, anyways, so great waste of time per usual by the GOP in their attempt to own da libz.
Don't you forget, "I am the Law", said by dear leader last week. He thinks he can do whatever he wants.
So far they want to: 1. Put Trump on Mt. Rushmore 2. make a $250 bill with his image on it 3. next will be some kind of statue or monument to him 4. perhaps the Capital can be renamed after him, who needs a city named after George Washington when you can have " Trumpville" or " Trumpopolis"?
I think the bigger question is how many times you can use the word "liberal" in a post. You really love typing that word. It it like orgasmic or something like that?