Just his own words. Take the guns, then go to court. I'd like to learn more about what this would look like. I'm also curious how Trump voters will feel.
Literally his entire philosophy on anything, break the law first, and then "see you in court." I feel like most Republicans run for office now so they dont have to pay for legal fees themselves.
Did he say it? Then they'll go along like they always do. Come on man. This is MAGA we're talking about. No voter base in human history has had less agency.
Not a new innovation by Trump, TH conservatives solution to gun violence in cities has long been to call up the national guard and do gun grabbing
I’ve said this repeatedly in this forum that if guns are confiscated that it will be the republicans that do it, and I stand by that.
Not new and not a surprise, Trump pretty obviously isn’t a “gun guy” and about his biggest connection to guns is that the VP and Don Jr. like them, and he understands most of “the gun people” voted for him. Plenty of gun folks disliked him in the primaries this time around precisely because of things like that, but once he got the nomination you’re left with “he’s a less bad candidate on guns than any of the Dems he has run against.” That and the thought that appointing judges who will interpret the 2A as having teeth/not just say “guns scary” is more important than whatever dumb executive things he says or does. Perfect example is the bumpstock ban he insisted ATF adopt during his first term, despite even the ATF under Obama concluding they didn’t have the authority to do so, which was then saved by his own SCOTUS appointees eventually striking it back down.
This is from 2018. I was at first thinking “man, that guy sounds like Mike Pence”. Oh wait, it is Mike Pence. I don’t even disagree with Trump on this per se, as far as “temporary emergency orders” against a mental health crisis. But as we’ve seen over and over and over. He’s completely disingenuous. He just says whatever sounds good in the moment. NRA lobby gets in his ear, he’s a gun rights absolutist for a minute. If he thinks he can disarm liberal gun owners or can get a CPAC type group riled up, he’d go right back to gun confiscation.
While I completely understand the sentiment here, isn't this a bit different? He's advocating seizing guns without due process. This isn't nuance, this seems like shredding the 2a. I mean, it's just the concept of a plan, so maybe more info will help clarify things, but this seems pretty big on its face.
He’s talking about red flag laws. Most gun rights groups take the position that they’re unconstitutional as actually implemented, but essentially every Dem out there and a sizable handful of other Republicans endorse them too. I’m happy to chime in that I don’t want a president who will say or do anything about guns that will (literally in this case) make Dianne Feinstein smile and rub her hands together, but once it became a two horse race he is likely to, on balance, be less bad for gun rights than the other horse.
Not concerned about it in Florida. We have constitutional sheriffs that would tell the feds to pound sand. Maybe even defend the population. Doubt the military would get involved as many soldiers are pro gun. Now drones. That would be a problem.
He wants to take the guns from the people who shot him and keep trying to blow his head off aka Republicans