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(SB) Ongoing UF Softball Commentary

Discussion in 'GatorGrowl's Diamond Gators' started by ocalaman, Feb 20, 2022.

  1. ocalakathyb

    ocalakathyb Freshman

    Oct 29, 2024
    Honestly you don't think Barnhill pitching helped any of those stats. Too often you look at fielding and while that is a huge part of it some of the pitching is notably weaker making fielding a completely different animal. There's was also a lot of balls off skylars glove last year..notably so the FSU game where there were at least 2 that were called hits not errors. Same thing happened to Holtrof this weekend I saw on tv..the ball was in her glove and came out and was marked a hit. It can work both ways from ehat I've seen. Although I will definitely agree that Ariel was a better 3rd baseman I think Kenleigh is doing good.
  2. ocalakathyb

    ocalakathyb Freshman

    Oct 29, 2024
    Coach has them squeeze up the middle and that was ss and 2b and then he has them closer to bags for some hitters. I saw that a ton last year. That means pitching is missing their spots. I can't stand when they do this and it takes a routine play straight out of their reach. Happens a lot this year too, I'll watch them look at wristband and move and the hit gets smoked in the 5-6 hole while they are squeezed up the middle. Thats pitch calling and missing spots not bad fielding.
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  3. orangeblue77

    orangeblue77 GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 19, 2023
    It’s all perfect IF the pitch hits it spot. I think our pitching has a limitless ceiling but they are so young and perhaps that’s too much to think about. Just pitch and play defense, let elite athletes be elite, maybe overthink things less.
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  4. orangeblue77

    orangeblue77 GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 19, 2023
    We all love Barnhill but she’s like ancient now lol, who brought her up?
  5. alysb21

    alysb21 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 8, 2019
    I think it's challenge to our pitchers to continue to try and be elite and hit spots.
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  6. alysb21

    alysb21 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 8, 2019
    It's a fair point. Often you see that low era and high fielding percentage together because of the fact the pitchers take a lot of the plays out fo the game or induce a lot of weal contact. I personally think there's further the season goes it'll tighten up. Also have to remember it's a whole new infield playing together aside from Williams and Erickson. Those things take time. Falby and Holtorf have struggle a little with communication early on. I feel like it'll gel.
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  7. ocalakathyb

    ocalakathyb Freshman

    Oct 29, 2024
    I agree, I really which they would quit playing to the pitch. Pitches are going to miss. He did squeeze them up the middle against GCU and mia made a great play but then had to dive going back towards 1st for another great play but that tells me the pitchers are not hitting their spots. Lots of balls right past ss in Duke game also. I agree with the overthinking and I definitely think spots are not being hit. I'm sure that umpire for Duke game didn't help things either!
    They were talking about defense being better and named some of the years Barnhill was here. Was defense better or was Barnhill here?lol. People need to remember who's pitching when they talk about bad defense. Defense definitely needs to improve but if you watch our mif he has them squeeze up the middle or cover the hole and spots are completely being missed. Happend the whole game against Duke and GCU.
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  8. orangeblue77

    orangeblue77 GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 19, 2023
    They all came to UF to be great and CTW Is pushing them hard to get there. I’m just a softy saying ease up lol. I trust our coach, he knows how hard and how far to push better than I. Everything will gel, it’s going to be a great journey and I’m going to enjoy it! Go Gators!
    • Winner Winner x 3
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  9. gatorguy555

    gatorguy555 Freshman

    Oct 11, 2023
    Batters aren’t on time every pitch either. So they could be expecting a right handed batter to pull the ball. And if she is late then they are out of position. It isn’t always the pitchers fault. Outside pitches get pulled also. Some pitches are executed perfect and the batter hits it. Some times the batter wins. If the pitcher won every at bat, every game would be 0-0 and would be very boring lol.
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    • Funny Funny x 1