What's going on in WV? For a minute I thought you were referencing the federal government employees in VA that will be without jobs and lose their houses but then I remembered what was said when the Keystone pipeline workers were let go - "Learn to Code"
25+ people dead from massive flooding and then freezing to death..nothing worth worrying about I guess
25 that’s terrible, that’s as many as we had in one county in NC this past fall. I hope that FEMA can claw the money back from NYC for hotel rooms and get some of that to the people in WV.
The only clowns that said “Learn to Code” were the elite. (The elite who now align with the oligarchs).
So I guess this lawsuit filed by NYC is fake news also? New York City Law Department Announces Lawsuit Against Trump Administration for Unlawful $80 Million You make me laugh, if it’s not reported on your Pravda feed, it’s all fake news. I guess you’ll buy Jake Tappers new book about the hoodwinking of America by your Pravda network now right?
It's not that he hates them, it's just that they've served their purpose. There's a term for that: "Mark".
One of the causes of 9-11 was how cheap George Bush, Sr. was in rebuilding Afghanistan. They won our war with Russia for us while we provided weapons, and then had to rebuild their country by themselves, with no outside help. No gratitude from the U.S. whatsoever. Afghanistan hosted Al Qaeda, and turned over control of the country to radical Muslims to form the Taliban. African countries are similarly poor, and have substantial numbers of Muslims (and other groups) living there, who could be motivated to take their frustrations out on the wealthiest country on earth. Iran and other ME countries would be more than willing to finance their terrorism efforts against us. Do you want another 9-11, which will cost us trillions of dollars to recover from? Or would you rather spend one or two billion dollars a year on insurance? Do you have insurance on your house? If so, why? You didn't have a major disaster last year did you? You should only have insurance on your house in the years that you have major disasters, right?
The fake news that was repeated by the lying liars that you support was that NYC was spending money to house undocumented immigrants in "luxury hotels." Not that money had been allocated. Try to stay abreast of the conversation. Then you won't look so uninformed when you shill for your lying liars. Oh, but nice; Pravda, Pravda, Pravda!! Chicom too?