Again, if we need certain immigrants here, there needs to be an efficient way of having them here legally. Maybe DOGE will figure something out.
This is called a “moving forward” approach. Why do you want to punish those who came here under pretenses of getting jobs and working (which they did). The people that built houses and such. Why deport them because of ineffectiveness of leadership in the past? Why harm our economy in such a way?
Whoa... a rare occurrence where O&B loses a debate and results to insults. Havent seen that since the last time he posted. and the time before that. and the time before that.
The law was and still is inadequate for our labor needs. That makes the law unjust. And should we punish those that break unjust laws like a Rosa Parks or an immigrant looking for a better life and working his butt off for years here staying out of trouble? Twice we had potential legislation that could've helped our immigrant labor issues. 2007 and the Gang of 8 plan in 2013. Both were stopped by far right Rs. 2007 was blocked by the far left too, but by 2013, different story.
If this is a good faith argument I actually believe they should be put on probation as part of any agreement with the government to gain legal status. And also pay a fine.
There is no question that republicans have contributed to the illegal immigrant problem. They love cheap labor. They were reluctant to support Trump's efforts during his first term.
Which makes you wonder .... why do progressive so vehemently support a situation that benefits Republican/conservative owned corporations in the generation of their "obscene corporate profits"?
Bluke, you dont see the reporting. (As in the posts that River reports and edits). He literally deletes leftist posts all the time. You can't see them because they are deleted so you assume he isn't deleting them Truth is, no one outside of a mod can see what a mod has deleted. As an example, i have a couple posters here who like to tell me that I moderate unfairly because they dont see the posts that I report/edit/delete. Long story made short, you literally can not have any idea what River....or Oklahoma....or I delete because that is hidden from the main boards.
They support illegal immigration because it's 'anti-establishment' and it aggravates straight, white Christians. That and I suppose they imagine the illegals will eventually translate into democrat votes.
Ahhh ..... the benefit accruing to large corporations is just an unintended consequence. I think another reason the coastal liberal elites support unfettered illegal immigration is .... it yields inexpensive labor for household (eg nannies, maids), yard/landscaping, and pool construction/maintenance services.
Is that the criterion for measuring a mod? …whether he/she deletes or edits posts proportionally? I do not care about that at all…although I guess it’s nice to hear. My thinking is that mods set the tone of the board. They have the power and ability to keep the discussion in the lanes. I do not think River does a good job in this respect. He comes across just as condescending as many of the rest of the democrats on the board. I think you and Oklahoma do keep it mostly fair and stimulate discussion. And, you and OKlahoma don’t always side with the right.
Well, I'm sure a lot of democrat politicians benefit from large corporations doing well. Politicians will say things to generate votes then do other things to benefit themselves.
How about if I just take Jesus' word on the matter rather than use my own: Matthew 5:32 but I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except for the reason of unchastity, makes her commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery. Matthew 19:9 “And I say to you, whoever divorces (sends away his wife), except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”