Good question and not one I have been able to get a satisfactory answer to- especially in cases like this Why Does the Left Coddle IIlegal Alien Child Rapists?
Decent, patriotic Americans don't like criminals so the left does. The left doesn't like traditional American values.
Yeah that’s what left does. People like me, we’re all about coddling child rapists. Seriously, you accuse others of hating, and you begin a day like this?
Why did the right vote a rapist for President? (and probably a child rapist at that) Hard to take seriously the troll threads from someone who cast a presidential ballot for a rapist.
No one here “coddles” child rapists. This type of post is intellectually dishonest. There is plenty to say about Dem failures without implying Dems are this disgusting of evil. In the very article OP posted: “Houston-based U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents escorted a thrice-deported Mexican illegal alien named Nestor Flores Encarnacion, 58, across Laredo’s Juarez-Lincoln Bridge on Jan. 23. Encarnacion faces child-rape charges in Veracruz, Mexico.” Was this individual deported 3 time during Trump? Nope, was deported 3 times under Biden.
Because Joe upheld the law. Recognizing another sexual predator, Donald the Rapist probably would have made this guy SecDef.
Why does OP not care about the people of KY and WV? People are dying and we've got both nothing but crickets from them
Why are you a mod again? You’re supposed to be unbiased and you spend 75% of your day just blasting and making broad assumptions of a large swath of individuals on this board. How very moderator-ish of you.
For the record, mods are not expected to be unbiased in their personal opinions or postings. Just in how they moderate. And there are plenty of complaints from all sides about how we do that.
Just to be clear. Mods dont have to be unbiased. We are expected to follow the rules, but we can post our opinions freely. (This is jot a defense of the nonsense posted above) *Edit, River beat me to it.
Fair enough. I just expect mods to hold a certain amount of decorum, but that’s just me I guess. Lol.
River doesn't start threads like this. He pretty much does what I do. Gives his opinion in existing threads.