This. Pretty sure when he catches some possibly guilty Republicans, maybe like some that have received dozens of felony indictments from a grand jury ......... he'll put someone very very reputable and honest in charge of the fair and impartial prosecution. Like perhaps Aileen Cannon.
Are you new to the State or something? This place was eastern Mississippi under the dems, who ruled for decades. Healthcare is booming in Fla, education was ranked in the bottom 3 (tag teaming with Miss and Louisiana for rock bottom honors) and DCF was a bloody nightmare. Ppl not only still moving here, they're doing so faster and bigger numbers than ever. ...but all yall do, is all yall know how to do: bitch, whine, moan and complain.
Either you've never been to Mississippi or you're new to Florida. I was born and raised in FL and the state was never Eastern Mississippi and you probably know it. That's a pretty absurd comparison.
FYI. We're calling it DOGI now. & kudos to DeSantis for acknowledging his failures...& doing something about it!
Maybe when California, New York, and Massachusetts do something similar I will be impressed. Florida is investigating themselves, lets see those states do it.
You may not be aware but Desantis is known for blocking any attempts to find out how his office spends and raises money. The only way we ever find out is through lawsuits because he fails to abide by the Sunshine law
Dependency on federal welfare 19 okla 44 Mass 47 NY 48 Cali Seems like lame ass scolding from 1 who’s too lazy to google So, feel free to thank makers like me & my family for providing for you takers. Colo-#40. I’ll be impressed when Coloradans - who make 33% more than Okies - don’t have to continue to subsidize okla’s welfare asses. Investigate that!
You say people are starting to hate it, but you mean the left like you, those who voted for Trump are loving it
Guarantee I have been here longer than you. And I will stack my Florida public education (under Dem administrations) against anyone's. Pointing out where our state can improve is not bitching and moaning. We continue to have an underserved population on the lower end of the economic spectrum. We need to better serve ALL residents, not just the droves of people with money coming here. There are huge environmental and infrastructure problems resulting from the massive influx of residents, who quite frankly, do not often share the reverence of place that us longtime Floridians have. What I find most objectionable is the intolerant, smug, arrogant and dismissive attitudes of many Florida politicians. A little humility goes a long way.
Hilarious. I'm willing to wager that his thorough investigation finds some bad, bad Democrats, immigrants needing a highly publicized flight to a blue state, evil "woke" companies, and a few university presidents who need to be replaced by overpaid Republican hacks. Kind of strange that you don't seem to recognize reality yet : the Republican party is a criminal organization now.
Unless it’s an outside entity y’all are just cheerleading for more centralization of power & another layer of deep state. Typical of CINOs
be real...he is pandering for headlines trying to stay in the spotlight to get his wife moved forward while Donalds remains on his knees for DT for the endorsement
where do those three rate in aid from feds, welfare %, education levels, per capita income, poverty levels, income disparity, environmental protection, per capita GDP compared to Florida or Oklahoma? will not like the numbers. Might want to rethink this one