I’m essentially an anarchist. I’ve never been more relaxed. I don’t give two hairs of the rat’s ass about your grinding axes. I am just surprised that it is actually gonna happen.
The List may be a complete fabrication created to absolve DJT. The guy wants to rewrite history however, it has already been written. He can only suppress the evidence/facts while in office.
Well what is Bondi afraid of? Supposedly there is a list “on her desk”, just sitting there next to a picture of her inappropriately fondling a rifle, I assume. Meanwhile POTUS Musk will rush to Tweet every halfass lie the Internet can dream up, typing them up as he hears them from his team of phony workout equipment influencers I mean “engineers.” What’s the holdup on this justice bombshell?
the fact that it is taking so long to be released says there are some really big names on the list- der schlickmeister is probably numero uno- it has already been known he flew in the Epstein plane 6 times and he has a history of abusing women
Big names, probably. But if Libs led the list, it would already have been released. Owning the libs is goal #1, right. More likely she is trying to figure out how to protect her friends.
Yes, I’m certain there are big names but I’m predicting many of them will not be names you see front and center in politics but serious business people.
Releasing a list without charging a crime ? Why would the U.S. A.G. be releasing the list for publication? Convicted criminal A and his convicted accomplice B had a "list" of people in their orbit. Investigations should determine if anyone on the "list" committed crimes as well. That would be for the F.B.I. to investigate. Gossip and speculation to satisfy the public's curiosity do not warrant the A.G. to release information in an official capacity. Epstein was a political / social player. Hundreds of people were in contact with him.
Krasnov is probably on there, but I feel like there has to be a lot of major powerbrokers from all kinds of backgrounds. In other words, it probably hasn’t been released yet because it’s MAD for all.
jo you totally lost me on that one - I don't see in any way how you got that from my post oh, I forgot, all you can is spew your venom because your gal lost
Hmmm, the same pam bondi that passed on a lawsuit charging trump university for fraud .....after she got a nice campaign contribution. Quid pro quo?
Trump has a history of abusing women and bragged about it. He was found liable in court for one of the women he molested. He also has a long history of cheating on his wives and had multiple children with multiple women. Plus trump was big pals with Epstein. But no, Bondi won’t release a list with trumps name on it.