I am still amazed that half this country hates the other half and the other half hates them back. Like literally. Some of you think the other side is worthy of hate. Its evident in the vitriol of the posts. We are so broken.
Jesus wasnt being pro government or pro taxation in that verse. That just happened to be the subject He was asked about by the fake religious leaders seeking to trap Him in His words. He was basically telling people that heavenly authority was more important than earthly authority and to be obedient to earthy authority so as to not harm your testimony for God. It had nothing to do with his view on taxes or government in any grand scale
Go to 6:50. She was responding to Brandon Gill saying she should be deported to Somalia. Probably should have just said “I’m an American citizen and elected to the House. Will leave it at that.” Not the best decision to call people dumb. This is a nothing burger.
First off, a lot of govt “humanitarian aid” gets run through churches. So if you cut that off, you are taking those resources out of churches. I don’t really think it’s “either or”, clearly religious charities have a place but some kid needing to eat school lunch shouldn’t have to hope they’re in the right place and time to meet a Good Samaritan to feed them. Some things are just straight up best done in a more systemic way. I see alot of it almost as virtue signaling. Or even worse, transactional. You just about make that implication, that the govt shouldn’t do those things because Christian’s need to be able to do it for their own salvation. I know you didn’t say that exactly, but I think a lot of so-called Christian’s have that self-interest about their salvation or eternal life or whatever they think they are “getting”. It’s great there are people and charitable groups out there. I’m not disparaging it, I’ve participated (not so much anymore physically) and I’m sure avg at least $1000 year doing various small donations, but also I think it should never even come to that for some of the most basic things. If people in this country are begging for food or begging for healthcare, then everyone is to blame for that. Esp those who actively undermine or vote against the most efficient things which benefit the vulnerable. If a Christian is doing that it’s kinda sad.
To clarify my position on what Jesus would think about government aid, I was not saying He would be against it. I was saying that the text cited above is completely out of context when people try to attribute it to Jesus making a political stand. He was making an apolitical one. We have a friend that runs the school lunch program in some local schools here. Its a tragedy how many hungry kids there are.
Let me clarify why I found your response funny. We are always being told by Christian conservatives that the Bible must be taken literally, but when we present a verse that contradicts what Christian conservatives are advocating we’re told we’re misinterpreting the Bible. So my laugh was a “Here we go again” laugh. The fact is the Bible is filled with contradictions that can be used to justify pretty much any view a person wants to take.
From Matt Walsh re Ilhan Omar: "If you come from Somalia you should wake up in a state of ecstasy every day that you live here and not there. You should thank every American you meet for taking you in and rescuing you from a third-world country. You should be the most patriotic person in the US. You should walk down the road whistling the National Anthem to yourself. Not complaining about our wealth, rights, and freedoms."
That’s some bs thinking. Her family should thank anyone who had direct hand in helping them escape the war, certainly. But that is not “every American”. She doesn’t owe jack to the average bozo. Once she became a citizen she has the same right as Matt Walsh to not just criticize the govt, but to participate in it. If Walsh doesn’t like the American way maybe there’s a sheep farm somewhere in Ireland that will take him back.
I blame a lot of it on social media. You can get in heated arguments 24/7. Used to be, you'd argue about things and then move on to other parts of your life. Now people can stay angry.
Speaking of dumb Americans, Matt Walsh is at the top of that list. That man is painfully stupid and has the IQ of a baked potato.
I can tell you one thing, no one has ever woken up in a state of ecstasy with Matt Walsh next to them, no matter where they are from