Last year during the run, Francesca was in the dugout. I think she’s in there to coach players. Personally, I like it that she’s in the dugout, she has more one on one with the players.
According to a reply to a post I made in the ISU game thread, we probably won't ever know what happened to Hovermale either.
Maybe I should keep my mouth shut about UF's easy preconference schedule. I find it hard to believe but Warren Nolan has the Gators nonconference SOS as one of the toughest. Al 13 A&M 15 UF 20 KY 22 TX 32 TENN 37 LSU 67 ARK 81 GA 102 OKL 184
I just glanced at the 2014 preseason and it was arguably weaker than this year. But generally it's been fairly static for year.s...the USF tourney, hosting a tourney, a west coast tourney, and a bunch of in state teams and weaker opponents
I have an idea. Instead of play by play on here. Why not set up a gamechanger account where you can enter it like you are doing the book and people could watch that and keep up with the play by play. Shows each pitch. You can enter hits errors etc. all stats are kept. Just do “unofficial” not sure if coach would say anything against it as long as it’s for fans and not official.
That’s already done. It’s where they pull the stats for some of these games. They do it the way they do it here so people can interact with other forum members at the same time. If you just want to watch a screen with pbp updates, it’s already available.
I still think Uf should have the Gator Invitational every year. Invite the best Northern teams you can find. Add in a fsu, UCF. And even scUM
I could but I can't. Assuming there is ever an official announcement, which is doubtful with this program, I'll comment then.
For the board, when you block clowns, and it works because you never see their posts. Why do their BS emoticons still show up?
I will say this regarding Townsen, I think we will find her status is very beneficial to her and to the program. I'm on board. She is a real talent.
For the love of God, just go away. Far away. You have never been, you are not now, and you will never be a supporter of this program. You are a troll.