To be fair, we don't expect much from Rick. The rest of the traitors takes should be interesting, though. Gonna be fun watching how many flaming hoops they're willing to jump through to show fealty to their leader?
Exactly. Par for the course. "Well. . . you know, North Korea isn't that bad. And they're not WOKE!!!!"
You throw down a $100,000 check for a Nissan Altima and the car dealer will be so off guard, he wont know what to do. He'll throw in some extra TruCoat and an extended warranty. That my friends, is the art of the deal.
Just embarrassing. The United States has been bought and sold for 30 silver coins and some racism. Nice.
So why doesn't the current (part-time) occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave just go for it? Rip up all existing treaties, tell the G7, EU and UN to shove it, have the U.S. join the BRICS nations, and sit back to watch the ensuing world chaos show. I am SO SURE that is what his supporters voted for.
Does anyone think Russia or China could set up military bases on the Mexican-US or the Canadian-US border? The US would go to war in a heartbeat to prevent that. Trying to bring Ukraine into NATO and eventually giving them missiles that could hit Moscow in minutes was a very stupid idea. Ukraine got the okay from the Biden administration to launch artillery shells at Russian-speakers in the Donbas starting Feb 16, 2022. That was a violation of the Minsk agreements that Ukraine signed. On February 23, 3022, Kamala Harris said that Ukraine would eventually join NATO. That violated another of Russia's 3 red lines. The US wanted war. The Biden administration thought Russia could be crushed with sanctions and Putin would have to step down. Then Russia could be split into different countries and it's natural resources could be exploited. 3 years into the war and the Too Hot Democrats still don't understand how the war started. The Biden administration wanted war and got war. The war will end on Russia's terms.
how about it MAGA what would all the service personnel and deicated foreign servants/agents think of how they wasted their lives and blood fighting Russian aggression around the world jsut so your demigod can reverse course and praise papa putin? come on MAGA - got a spine yet? is he going to have to personally assault your wife or daughter to go too far?
What if the administrations have been reversed and it was Trump presiding over Ukraine and an incoming Biden was poised to entering into a detente with Russia ? I’ll bet everyone of you would be hailing Biden as the peace president.
Yep Hillary gave away 20% of our uranium to Russia. In exchange $145 M got deposited into the Clinton Foundation. To cover their tracks Hillary and the Democrats came up with the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. Democrats fell for it hook, line and sinker. Or they know what happened and they just love to lie
We didnt just side with Russia - I bolded members of the list of the 10 most repressive countries in the world. These 17 countries voted with US against Ukraine UN resolution The 16 that voted against Monday’s resolution alongside the U.S. and Russia Haiti, Hungary, Palau and the Marshall Islands; the African countries Burkina Faso, Burundi, the Central African Republic, Niger and Sudan; and Belarus, North Korea, Syria, Eritrea, Mali, Israel and Nicaragua, six countries that voted against the 2023 resolution The 10 Most Repressive Countries in the World — and the 10 Most Free | by R. Philip Bouchard | The Philipendium | Medium