The question is why have Desantis and the GOP legislature allowed waste, fraud and abuse for so many years?
That would be nice, but we know they will be more interested in the English Department spending $20 on donuts or something
And dear leader’s minions won’t look at his wasteful spending on airline flights to take migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard!
Like prosecuting policians you don't like, and calling it "law enforcement." Y'all's weenies drew first blood, missed your mark, and are whining a bloody blue streak at the blow back/ retribution. How exactly did y'all figure that lawfare bullshit was going to play out?
Sure. He did a bang-up job of slashing funding of state government in a rapidly growing state. Depts of Children & Families, Health, Corrections, and Libraries were just a few departments affected. Then Jeb outsourced many services to private contractors. But he and Mac Stipanovich successfully convinced the public that everything was great, and, he did not have to raise your taxes. Scott and DeSantis have continued this model to this day, and the depts such as DCF, DOH and Unemployment are still a mess. Go figure.
Amongst other things, he set the benchmark for the education and changed the entire paradigm. Jeb Bush: The Once and Future Reformer The Evidence on the "Florida Formula" for Education Reform see also Did Jeb Bush Improve Education in Florida? - Newsweek The last site is an article that discusses the proponents with the opponents of Bush’s programs, but ultimately, even the opponents acknowledge the growth and gains Florida made. Under his leadership our schools morphed for the bottom to the upper echelon in a short period of time (until a certain governor decided education needed to be fixed, reversing all of the gains under Bush’s leadership).
like prosecuting people who actually break the law? out of touch with reality if you think dt shouldn't have been prosecuted for j6, documents, and georgia election itnerference
You really know they have zero to say when all they have is whatabout! And it's even a false claim as well. LOL
It's almost as if he's trolling here. We haven't had a D governor since the 90s and I think it's been since the 70s that we've had a D house or senate.
How long has republicans been in charge of everything in Florida? It’s comical how these guys try to out MAGA each other.