We will save money. Let's look at how outsourcing the vehicle passes went. I'm sure it was a terrific deal for the government. https://www.realclearinvestigations...ice_outsources_website_loses_140m_896887.html Also, feel free to look into all of the times that the feds have had to cancel deals with Aramark after they fail to meet the terms of their contract. But sure, let's just give those groups more business without regard to actual performance.
there is more to “park ranger” than operating a ticket booth. Much of it requires considerable training and education. Just because we don’t understand everything they do, doesn’t mean a temp or high school summer employee can do it.
Get real. I understand just fine. Point is most legit companies provide health insurance and would pass that cost along to the gov. Clearly you are lacking in reading comprehension or just lamely trying to justify more bad policy.
Another clueless post that adds nothing. Congrats. Clearly some of you aren't familiar with outsourcing.
Ben Shapiro downplays cuts to national park workers: "You can cut all those people by just having an automatic parking meter"
I hit the parks regularly. Hikers may lean liberal in places but MAGA is the largest user of camping in America - its a budget vacation that is a tradition for millions. Looks like another example of people having no idea what they voted for.
if a part of our guvment is overspending you have to make cuts - we have been extremely top heavy in all parts of our guvment for years- layoffs are going to be essential to get things back in line- it may hurt for a while but it is better to rip the bandaid off quickly that a little at a time
There is nothing 'top-heavy' about the things they are cutting. The Federal work force has been shrinking for decades, people are doing the jobs of like 3 people already. And everyone knows the deficit is going to get even bigger when they cut taxes again. You've been suckered on this for decades, but you keep eating that slop lol.
In 2 weeks of being on the job that included 5 days of golf, could you determine how overstaffed the Park Service is and who needed to be fired from which office in which location? Is there anything you wont question from this guy?
The parks were already understaffed as it was. e.g. YNP has an annual budget of around 30mil. That much was spent so the emperor could attend the super bowl and the daytona 500.
let’s use a few more vernaculars…. Rightsizing delayering force-shaping Streamline operations I anticipate a majority here agree our gov could be more efficient including cost cutting. But musk and his team of inexperienced 19/early 20s have no idea what they are cutting or the impacts. But musk gets to make BS claims on x. Btw a large percentage of federal workers are military vets with their careers destroyed by musk.
How do you know we're "extremely top heavy?" What do you know about meeting the missions of all the offices of the government? Having a giant deficit doesn't mean it's on the civil service payroll; in fact, I'll bet most entities are already on threadbare budgets, and are making do with less and less. If you want to look at ways to cut expenses, you might start with Trump's $200 million dollar "commercial." Spare me the talk about "just hurting for a little while." First, who knows the duration of the pain? Can you point to a magical moment in time when we can expect pain relief? The million/billionaires certainly won't be feeling the pain. It seems to me that two runaway trains are heading towards each other--we'll call one train Inflation, and the other Unemployment--and the lower/middle class are standing smack dab on the track at the collision point.
I certainly wouldn't consider the prices for staying in the lodges of the parks to be budget friendly.
Although I do not have any data my guess is that a very small percentage of visitors to national parks stay in a lodge. A majority either camp in the park or at a campground outside the park or stay at a motel near the park.