The inverse applies, of course. Anything Trump proposes is greeted with lavish adulation and boastful celebration by the cons. Critical thinking is checked at the door. The subservience to a clay god is disgusting.
Direct quote from Patel: “This is effin’ crazy,” he said. “Pam (Bondi) and I were just talking in the back, and we were like, ‘Do you believe this?’ We were on the campaign trail together. … Now, we’re here. She’s the attorney general. I’m the director of the FBI. This is insane.” Couldn't agree more.
Off topic, but Bill, why do you and others not refer to Patel by his full given first name, Kashyap? Not cool enough for your crowd?
That’s unfair. I doubt you will find a single person in this forum who isn’t in favor of having a secure border, criminals deported, effective law enforcement, quality public education, the elimination of government waste, and merit based hiring practices. It’s that last thing that at least gets to me and I’m sure others as well. Trump is picking his people not on merit and qualifications, but on their loyalty to him. That makes them DEI hires.
horse pucky @jjgator55 - the TDS on Too Hot is at epic proportions - y'all have opposed and dare I say harshly and somethings nastily opposaed every move he has made - you say y'all are in favor of having a secure border, criminals deported, effective law enforcement, quality public education, the elimination of government waste, and merit based hiring practices. That is laughable- go back and read what your liberal brethren have posted.
a reminder to take “News” from these sites in the op with a big grain of salt. Not reliable info and far right. Truth Press - Bias and Credibility
Making up your own narrative does not constitute validity. I don't recall any posters from either side stating opposition to "having a secure border, criminals deported, effective law enforcement, quality public education, the elimination of government waste, and merit based hiring practices." Please provide quotes or it's another fantasy. Note that opposition to the WH methods does not constitute opposition to the objective. Perhaps that's confusing you?
So only generalized comments? Anyway to defend this thread, Kash’s move to disrupt the fbi? And his simplistic comments like “rebuilding trust” don’t cut it. btw, destroying moral will reduce the ranks. But it’s the top performers who leave - who are in high demand. These radical moves by Kash will weaken the fbi.
Bill seems to forget we have seen this $Trump spitshow before ... and the second iteration is, so far, much worse than the first. You would think that someone returning to the presidency would provide some reassurance of competence. So far, it's all show and no go. "nastily opposed" is my favorite from you. Did you EVER post anything benign about Obama or Biden?