Seems like he is doing great since he turned into a right wing nut. Tesla’s sales plummet across Europe Tesla sales decline in California with Model 3 plunging 36% | Fortune
Thank goodness there are brilliant people like you pointing this out. I mean there is zero chance someone as dumb and short sighted as he’s proven to be in his career, had any idea that it was a likely outcome/reaction.
I dont think he's all that smart (a realization people have whenever he talks about something they know a lot about), but he spends all day zooted out on ketamine, so he's clearly a high functioning drug addict (like Hermann Goering or Jordan Belfort). That is sort of a skill of its own.
Latest report: Tesla sales almost halve in Europe as Musk faces criticism over Trump ties | Tesla | The Guardian Sales of new Tesla cars almost halved in Europe last month, indicating waning demand for the US carmaker’s vehicles as its chief executive Elon Musk intervened repeatedly in the politics on both sides of the Atlantic. The Texas-based carmaker sold 9,945 vehicles in Europe in January, down 45% from last year’s 18,161, according to data from the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA). Tesla’s share of the market dropped to 1% from 1.8%.
OMG. OMG. Tesla is down 7%. Yeah, we owned some pubs with that one. Take that world’s richest man. Burn no returns.
I wouldnt think about Elon but the hard-working Tesla workers who are going to lose jobs and retirement fortunes as the ship floats lower and lower in the water. Elon will be fine no matter what. I dont give a shit about Elon. I do have empathy for his workers... dont you?
Tesla will be fine. Anyone want to wager on what the stock price will be by 1/1/2027? That’s 22 months approximately. I’d put the over/under at $750 or approximately 150% upside from current price.
President Elon, to use his own term that he throws around, might be fully retarded. I mean, he could never sell a another car again and be fine personally, but he’s obviously damaging his company by very publicly going all in on far right wing politics and making himself the face of the “pain” and “hardship” they promised. What a moron. He probably is on the spectrum as one of the common conditions is lack of empathy or understanding how other people view you. Tesla's market cap sinks below $1 trillion as stock slumps more than 8%
Somewhat interesting that while the nominal president has an irrational hatred of EVs the co-President who has been effectively delegated the powers of the presidency at least with respect to domestic policy by the former has built his fortune largely on the value of his shares in the largest producer of EVs in the world.