Finally quantified 1.7M excess deaths between when covid started in 2020 and 2023 1.7 M dead Americans. Likely half of that preventable if maga embraces vaccines. discouraging vaccines killed over 500k Americans. DT lack of leadership killed more Americans that hitler and Japan combined Social Security gets major $205-billion boost after COVID deaths So many Americans died of COVID-19 during the pandemic that the Social Security program received a boost of $205 billion, according to a new report by the National Bureau of Economic
That was the first and only successful cost reduction program instituted by the GOP in 50 years: Killing seniors.
A little off topic but being on this Earth longer than most I can tell you the Republican Party has been saying that Social Security is going broke ever since Reagan took office, and it’s always going broke in 10 years. Social Security is fine, and will remain fine if republicans can leave it alone. The pandemic inflicted higher rates of excess deaths on both Republicans and Democrats. But after COVID-19 vaccines arrived, Republican voters in Florida and Ohio died at a higher rate than their counterparts, according to a new study. Researchers from Yale University who studied the pandemic's effects on those two states say that from the pandemic's start in March 2020 through December 2021, "excess mortality was significantly higher for Republican voters than Democratic voters after COVID-19 vaccines were available to all adults, but not before." More specifically, the researchers say, their adjusted analysis found that "the excess death rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters" after vaccine eligibility was opened. The different rates "were concentrated in counties with lower vaccination rates, and primarily noted in voters residing in Ohio," according to the study that was published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine on Monday.
Everyone is susceptible to covid, but it’s the unvaccinated who have underlying health conditions that are the most susceptible to die from any disease that affects the respiratory system.
lol. Good one. Did you get a chance to look up age demographics based on voters? Or do you want to spew more garbage?
You don’t think they controlled for that? That’s research 101. From the link above: “We additionally adjusted estimated differences in excess death rates between Republican and Democratic voters—the primary estimate of interest—for differences in excess death rates by age group and state during the COVID-19 pandemic. Intuitively, this approach compared excess death rates between Democratic and Republican voters of the same age residing in the same states during the same week of the pandemic and then weighted those differences in excess death rates to either the weekly level, when plotting weekly differences in excess death rates, or to 3 broader time periods: (1) April 1, 2020, to December 31, 2021 (the part of the study period overlapping the COVID-19 pandemic); (2) April 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021 (the period during the pandemic before open vaccine eligibility for all adults); and (3) April 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021 (the period during the pandemic after open vaccine eligibility for all adults).
analysis found that "the excess death rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters" after vaccine eligibility was opened. The different rates "were concentrated in counties with lower vaccination rates, and primarily noted in voters residing in Ohio," according to the study that was published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine on Monday. This is what he posted
How did you arrive at that? She said nothing to imply that 80 year olds and 20 year olds have the same mortality rate.