Isn't SNL a scripted show? The host will sometimes say things facetiously for comic effect. It's not like he said it on Oprah or 60 Minutes.
It was during his monologue, not a skit. He seemed serious, not like it was part of a joke. I believed him. Maybe he was lying for attention. It got a lot of press the next day saying how brave he was and someone to look up to for kids on the spectrum.
I think Elon must be very smart & very savvy. I was very much in awe of him as an innovator & forward thinker. I don't know what's going on...maybe he's just rich & bored....maybe he's doing what he thinks is best for the us....maybe he is deliberately trying to destroy the us. He seems to rilly crave attention. lately he seems like the weird kid killing shit with a magnifying glass for fun. it is strange in 2025 that the world is basically controlled by about 5 autocratic weirdos. this is the last thing my liver needed. how little are these guy's dicks?
Man, we’ve really jumped the shark in politics when the world’s richest man is written about as low IQ with no business smarts. Even more absurd when cult leftist try to chime in with ‘ yeah yeah. Elon is an idiot. He’s like totallllllly not smart’. You gotta be way out on the fringe to not only write that drivel but believe it. But hey. You be you
Well, the world's richest U.S. president has no business sense, and made his money through grifting and cheating on his taxes, so why is that surprising? The common theme is a lack of ethics.
He does seem to have some of the characteristics of Asperger’s. Mind you that’s based on video and interviews.
Sounds like something the Bidens would do. Hooking up with your dead brothers wife, showering with your daughter and who knows what else.
About the author from the Daily Kos, who shares your, and his, bias. Yet Another Thorough Take Down of-Serial Fabricator Seth Abramson "Abramson’s particular form of mendacity has been taken apart numerous times by people who do actual reporting for a living, including McKay Coppins in The Atlantic, Jacob Weindling in Paste, and and Colin Dickey in The New Republic." Yet another thorough takedown of serial fabricator Seth Abramson