It doesn’t but that’s not really their goal. “Make America Great Again” is just a slogan, not something they actually aspire to do. They believe that your money is actually their money that you’re stealing from them even if you’re working for it. They see public schools, parks, law enforcement, and any other thing that’s government funded as multi trillion dollar slow moving targets that must be privatized and exploited for their personal gain. They couldn’t care less about the people, or the future of this country, and when it’s bled dry they’ll move to Brazil and live in luxury while the rest of us try to learn Chinese.
The least depressing option is that they know we already ignore the UN anyways on most matters so what's the point?
You make a lot of sense, Mr. Duck. I don't know why Trump is doing this. It's another institution to brandish his big stick, and lord it over other nations. Maybe it's because the members of the UN don't kiss the ring and bend the knee sufficiently?
You would think that would appeal to MAGAs since that is exactly what you advocate and support domestically ?
Weakening our global influence across the board is shortsighted, and China will gladly fill the void. Maga has a dangerous mix of hubris and entitlement. They think our $28T GDP is guaranteed, no matter what. And that all it takes is to chant USA over and over and over. Literally any fool can break stuff - our gov institutions, our international relations, weaken our military. Maga stops paying the power bill and says, “See, the lights are still on today, own the libs!”
Falsehoods for $100, Alex. The US funds between 25-33% of the total UN budget depending on how much we voluntarily contribute beyond 1) the assessed regular budget, and 2) the peacekeeping budget.
Not to mention the boon the UN provides to NYC, all those people needing housing, entertainment and food.
Trump is having a pretty messy "divorce," from his native city, so it's probably a personal poke in the eye.
Back out of the UN, back out of proven methods for global influence, instigate a rift with Canada & Europe, but appease Putin/Russia with a smaller GDP. Brilliant.
You mean, who is going to send terrorists nations money? The UN is a lost cause that have been overtaken (long ago) by the Socialists/Marxists dictator nations that don't even allow freedom of speech. FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS A HUMAN RIGHT...
have never been a fan of the globalist movement that the UN is part of- I may have been wrong about how much we pay (it is still way to much) but to cede our sovereignty to a bunch of dictators and despots is unacceptable- I want us to kick them totally out of our country
A wise old poster up-thread said that the UN has NO authority over the US, so how are we "ceding our sovereignty?" Do you think Putin is a dictator or despot?
The UN is the one filled with hubris and ENTITLEMENT. Leaving it might inspire our real allies to follow us to start a new/better organization of free (non-communists) nations. We can leave China with very few pathetic nations that will stay. Or... we should simply kick the communists out of the UN. I think we need a new Nations of The World Organization that have like-minded free Constitutionally based nations. Why on Earth did we ever let China into the UN I will never understand. Taking in China is like introducing poison into a healthy human body and thinking the big healthy body will overcome the "tiny" bit of poison. It never works...
Go or stay, I don’t care …. but significantly reduce the US$ given to that largely useless organization.