Since the 2016 elections when Mad Max called for violence against anyone in the Trump Admin, the dems have gotten worse about threatening Conservatives and now the Trump DOJ is fighting back LIST - 7 Day Engagement&tpcc=email-breaking
Same energy as my elderly neighbors who lawyered-up because another neighbor refused to trim some bushes and called them names. Real tough guy stuff, sending letters lol.
That’s good they’re doing something, but it’s not the words of congressmen Musk, Trump, or others in the Trump administration need to worry about. It’s that one American with a terminal disease who lost their health care, an angry CIA or FBI agent that willfully ignores a threat by a foreign terrorist group, other Americans feeling hopeless with nothing left to lose but the desire for revenge. In that case a stern letter won’t be enough.
People making true threats should be investigated and charged where appropriate. Of course, political rhetoric can be over the top or ill-advised without rising to a criminal level.
It should be obvious to anyone with half a brain that Garcia was talking metaphorically. He wasn't encouraging physical violence. One the other hand back in 2016 Trump offered to pay the legal fees of any of his supporters charged with assaulting anti-Trump demonstrators.
lol, Martin and the other sycophants don’t have an honest bone in their bodies. "I think [Musk is] also harming the American public in an enormous way," said Garcia. "And what I think is really important and what the American public want is for us to bring actual weapons to this bar fight. This is an actual fight for democracy, for the future of this country." So if we’re to take this comment literally which bar can I go to watch this fight for democracy? You don’t get to claim he was being literal by picking and choosing which parts of his statement are real threats.
I have seen websites with bad designs, but the one the OP linked might be the worst in the history of the internet. I saw Geocities sites that were more readable
There is literally zero percent chance that this dufus and his current administration makes it the entire four years. His numbers have already plummeted and are in the toilet and people are already getting beyond tired of him after a month. The only people who still support him are those in denial who keep trying to convince themselves this is what they voted for.