Interesting recent podcast was done a couple of days ago about RFK. A couple take aways… The far left lady he had on sounds just like our liberal friends here on too hot. She is a hot mess! But the subtle admission by Birx is something many here will continue to discount. Really frustrating she did not follow the science at the time. But listen to her remarks at 19 minutes.
The left loved him when he was a flaming Covidian. Casting him overboard now based on his concerns about the cancer injections.
No everyone hates him, he's perfected that "everyone hates me so I must be right" shtick. Just means he's, well, a huge wanker.
Wisconsin's Rob Johnson recently said that even he never took the jab because of what he researched and found out about it. Pure blood here... That non-vaccine should never have been forced upon the public.
Covidian... Lol, it was a religion to the sheeple. Let them take the jab... and face the consequences.
It is extremely frustrating Birx did not follow the science when it mattered. It is hard to offer any sympathy to someone like her who knew exactly what they were doing at the time.
The more you got jabbed the more likely you were to get COVID. When jabbed infant mortality increased. The vax could damage your heart, give you a stroke, increase your cancer risk etc and the latest news for some of the vaxxed is really bad:
The vaxxed are shedding and giving cancer, heart disease and other maladies to the people who were smart enough not to get vaxxed. Should the vaxxed be forced to wear neon green hats in public so us unvaxxed people can avoid the diseases they are spreading? Some of them would not wear their hats so I think their foreheads should display a tattoo of a braying donkey.
Such a shame that the POTUS and his team would create a vaccine that would cause cancer and heart disease in millions of people
Not sure what you are trying to say here. She flat admitted she did not follow the science without explicitly saying it.
Trump was slow to recognize the dangers of the vaccines created by Democrat-aligned Big Pharma companies liked Pfizer. Too Hot clueless libs like to say MAGA is a top down cult. Just the opposite. Trump heard the boos when he touted the vaccines and course corrected. Too bad you libs can't look at the evidence on the COVID vaccines and adjust your thinking.
Lol. Most cons got the vaccine too. It's only you altra far out righties that consider us normal tighties to be "libs" because we chose something different than you.
Birx admitted in her book that “15 days to slow the spread” was a lie, a slice of bacon on the tongue in preparation of the whole hog to be crammed down our throats.
I never said people who got vaxxed were libs. I noted that Too Hot libs who think MAGA is a top-down cult are incorrect. Before he originally ran for presidentTrump paid a person to write down what Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage were saying on the radio (per Robert Barnes). How often did you hear Trump talking about immigration before 2016 for example? My point is that MAGA is bottom-up. Trump is popular populist because he champions popular views. If you think I'm so ultra far right that my thinking on some issue is incorrect give an example. Reality: You can't debunk my position on anything. I'm a genius (lol) and as close to reality as it gets. For the amusement of one and all, prove me wrong. At this point I suggest you run away. Now I'm human, it's possible my view is wrong on something. If so I'll acknowledge that immediately. On some issues there are so many variables that it is impossible to prove anything. I would like to hear what view I have that is "ultra far right" and also incorrect. I suspect you have nothing. Edit: And when I say "nothing", I mean you have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Prove me wrong. If you can I'll acknowledge you're right and try to get better Edit: For the record I think you're an excellent moderator and your views are normally quite reasonable. If you think I have some crazy views however I challenge you to name one. I know you can't, And anyone that tries will get debunked or at best be unable to prove their case. All good, we're just having fun here.
I have friends who are rock-ribbed Republicans who are STILL testing for ‘Covid’ when they get the sniffles.
I'm not sure what's harder to believe, that you have friends or that they are telling you they test for COVID when they get "the sniffles."