It's obvious that Putin has a hold on a Trump. I had always assumed that it was because Putin offered Trump the opportunity to construct Trump Tower Moscow or similar real estate development projects or maybe it's simply because the two authoritarians have an affinity for each other. There is always a third possibility. Maybe the so called "pee tape" is real and Trump is afraid that Vladimir will release it. While the existence of the tape has never been proven neither has it been disproven and while members of the Cult of the Donald loved to use the phrases "Russian hoax" and "Steele Dozier" in the same sentence we should keep in mind that Steele was a well respected former MI6 agent and was considered a credible source for what happens in Russia. Christopher Steele Defends Russia Dossier, Says Trump Golden Shower Tape “Probably Does” Exist
Sure. Even if that were true, which it isnt, North Korea still is nuclear as they continued to produce nuclear. No impact from love letters I guess. "Between May 2019 and late March 2020, North Korea conducted multiple short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) tests; such tests violate United Nations Security Council prohibitions." Trump negotiated nothing away except his dignity. North Korea: A Chronology of Events from 2016 to 2020 -
Travel back in time. Go back. Way back. Go back before man. Back before the dinosaurs. Back before the forest primeval took root. Back before the ancient mist. Back even before the primordial soup. Back before God. Evil Russians.
I disagree, we all including yourself know the "pee tape" was just a silly stunt to kick off the Russian collusion fabrication of 2016. The idiots on the left fell for Steele's Dossier and wasted billions of $$ and much time and effort onlyto embarrass themselves.
I disagree. We all know that the Trump campaign's collusion with Russia is real, because the Senate Intelligence Committee clearly stated that. We can't be absolutely certain about the tape of Vladimir Putin peeing in Trump's face and then drenching him, but based upon Trump's behavior and fear of Vlad, it wouldn't be irrational to infer that it exists.