Trying to raise the level of conversation here just a bit ... so let's cut out the nicknames for politicians in thread titles. We're not talking about the posts themselves yet. Just the thread titles. No President Skidmarks, Joey, Kammie, Donny or any of the lame stuff that immediately says you're more interested in throwing darts than trying to have a reasonable conversation. One other thing - try to include a date rather than just 'today', 'tomorrow' etc. Since some threads stay active for quite a while, it will be more clear if the title says 'Today, Feb. 15 ...' Thanks
Huh ... I thought this was allowed because other mods here were doing it while Biden was president ... I'll stop, though, with "Donny".
So descriptive nicknames like the tangerine tyrant, dementia Don, Rip One Van Winkle, Count Flatula, Founding Farter, Napoleon Bone-Aspur, Commander McBonespurs, Commander-In-Thief, and Nostra-Dumbass are also out?
Dotard, Dear Leader, President Cuck, DingDon, and Captain Bonespurs are also out, I’d assume, but just in titles, if I’m reading that correct. Still okay in the text I presume?
Ha, River shoulda just said “put them here instead” Although a certain “poster” who was so offended by these names in a recent thread, and is also the most egregious practitioner… let’s see.
Funny how this comes up now, but I’m not sure how it raises the quality of the discourse. Better to ban it altogether, IMO, though I did love seeing Orange Skidmark in thread titles.
Can I get a ruling on President Trumpsky? Has a nice Russian sound to it which I think is a compliment to conservatives. Let me know.
As someone who posted here since Obama, it’s a fact that the rules change when the party changes… every time.