Yep you can’t make this up. This is what happens when you let cult members speak. Rep. Claudia Tenney introduces bill to make Trump's birthday a holiday
Stick him on Mt. Rushmore and build a YUGE statue of him looking angry. For $25 you can go inside and buy maga bling, shoes, bibles, and lifesize fathead cutouts for your garage or basement. Emperor Donaldus the First.
Well I sincerely doubt it’s his birthday that will be celebrated, but I am hearing triglycerides are getting a pretty high approval rating.
I'd be perfectly willing to celebrate his birthday along with bringing back Washington's & Lincoln's. There are a couple of holidays I wouldn't mind doing away with to make room.
I’ll bet you think those days of whites only water fountains and calling black men boy are coming back. They’re not.
Perhaps we could replace MLK day with Robert E Lee day and Juneteenth with Nathan Bedford Forrest day.
My mother was a little girl during the segregated water fountain era. She thought the "colored," water fountain dispensed colored water.