If you cant trust Trumpsky to follow the law, who can you trust? Trump signs executive order allowing only attorney general or president to interpret meaning of laws - Washington Times The document asserts that “previous administrations have allowed so-called ‘independent regulatory agencies’ to operate with minimal Presidential supervision.” “These regulatory agencies currently exercise substantial executive authority without sufficient accountability to the President, and through him, to the American people,” the order said. “Moreover, these regulatory agencies have been permitted to promulgate significant regulations without review by the President.”
Congress write laws and often includes that they give authority to the regulating agency to draft regulations. Often the Regulations are codified with the full effect of the law. So… in some ways, Trump is right. Congress gave power to the Executive Branch. If Trump says all Regulations require his oversight, well… that is a late night of reading for him. Now an unlawful Regulation can be thrown out if not in accordance with Congress’ intent. But, which Judge is going to have an army to fight the Executive Branch if they say “come and make me?”
You need to go to work for the NYT or MSNBC, you are a master at writing misleading titles. Read the first paragraph of the article you linked, it reads nothing like the title you wrote. Totally misleading. President Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order declaring that only the attorney general or the president, instead of federal regulators or bureaucrats, can speak for the U.S. when interpreting the meaning of laws carried out by the executive branch.
And by President, he means himself and himself only. Everyone else in his position has to follow the letter of the law to the utmost T. Quite dictatory of him to say.
Title can only be so long. I linked his own Trumpsky words and a right wing rag article for balance and it’s still not good enough? You guys kill me.
It’s puzzling why many solid pubs respond to the disingenuous libbie posters in here. I’ve finally learned my lesson.
You are not wrong on this one. Not only did the Democrats bring this on, they are lying down like a bunch of broken bitches and not standing up for any of this stuff. I am not sure who disgusts me more, Trump and his cult of mental midgets, or the Democrats in Congress who have seemingly surrendered their spines, as well as their self-respect over fear of being voted out of office.
It's hardly only the Dems who are missing a spine. The Pub congressmen aren't exactly covering themselves in glory.
The funny thing about this is that Trump is probably the person in the entire federal government who knows the least about what the law is.
There are approximately 200 volumes to the CFR. Bondi will have to hire a lot of people to make sure she can interpret and faithfully execute.
This is more an issue of delegation than ultimate interpretation of the law. It’s inefficient and in this case it is bypassing the purpose of having agency/department heads confirmed by Congress.