Very cool you did that. Yeah, I can pronounce Japanese phrases (I only know a handful) well enough that a person or translation app such as ChatGPT understands my spoken Japanese. Japanese vowels are essentially the same as Spanish, and it seems pretty intuitive. However, when I try to say a phrase in Mandarin, the app tries to guess what I'm trying to say and produces an English translation that is nonsensical. I know it understands spoken Mandarin just fine but my efforts are bad enough that it has no idea what I'm trying to communicate.
π = PIE Write 3.14 on piece of paper. Hold it up to the mirror and it reads PIE Reporters made fun of Jimmy Carter for his "killer rabbit" story. Jimmy was on a boat and a swamp rabbit swam furiously towards him, possibly fleeing s predator. People made fun of Jimmy for the incident Napoleon wanted to celebrate the signing of a treaty with a few of his men by hunting rabbits. Napoleon's soldiers were supposed to release wild caught rabbits in a field for the hunt.. Instead his men bought rabbits from local farmers. Some say there were hundreds of rabbits, some say it was 3000. The rabbits were tame anf instead of running for freedom they charged Napoleon expecting to be fed. With rabbits jumping on him Napoleon fled to his carriage which was quickly swarmed. Supposedly 1 or more rabbits got inside. No relief until the carriage pulled away. Who knows if the story is true.
After being flattened by the first atomic bomb, Hiroshima began rebuilding almost immediately. And the children of survivors didn’t suffer elevated cancer rates. Today, it’s kick-ass metropolis.
The "Q" in Qgator2414 has nothing to do with qanon as Qgator2414 has been posting long before qanon was a thing. The "Q" is the first letter of Qgator2414's last name. And with @mrhansduck bringing up the Japanese language as part of fun facts... Qgator2414 was born in Japan. Okinawa on Kadena AFB.
My best friend is a painter and another friend ran a paint store. Both of them can easily see that A and B on the chessboard are the same shade of gray. For most people B looks much lighter.
TIL dolphins don’t get hurt by puffer fish toxin — they get high. They pass around puffer fish to their pod friends.
Dogs, wolves and coyotes are 99.9% similar Walking on the moon with the sun at your back is harder than you might think. With no atmosphere the shadows are darker than you'd be used to on earth. Neil Armstrong said it was hard to see where he was going.
My mom was from Indianapolis. When she was young she dated a man named Harry Leggs. Her sister married and moved to Fort Wayne, which once had a mayor named Harry Baals
That’s because unlike conservatives, liberal males spend their time having sex rather than thinking about it. Here’s a fun fact. Conservative males always have a concept of a plan to rock some woman’s world, and will let them know in about two weeks time.
Sincerely chuckled at both parts there jj--though I'm not quite sure what you're saying in that 2nd paragraph. Plz clarify, if you would be so kind (it'll be taken with the due grain of salt regardless...).