Likely because the benefits amount is determined by the lifetime earnings/contributions of the deceased, not the survivor who has their own calculation.
Wasn't there a post several months back about a woman who was the last Civil War pensioner, who was receiving it based on a similar circumstance?
There's no attempt. Again, drunken tailgate shouting at opposing fans as they go by. Never, ever rises above that for MAGA.
Why would we be pissed? Apparently you don't understand that SS can have survivor benefits. This means SS is paid even after a person passes.
I think we should stop Social Security immediately for everyone until this is worked out. Everyone. Especially those in this thread. How do I know you guys deserve the SS you are getting? I have no idea. I am supposed to trust an organization that doesnt know how old you are? STOP THE STEAL!
1)Of course they’re not. 2) don’t blindly listen to musk. He’s a BS’er. It’s not reliable info based on a Musk X post of some cryptic document. “Some of the things that I say will be incorrect." Musk, 2/11, in his Oval Office Q&A
Probably worst case scenario is if an older person had a child that was the beneficiary who lived to be 90 or so. That's like two lifetimes of benefits.
I don't doubt that there is efficiency, waste, and even fraud in major programs but skeptical that it is so obvious and at this scale. Seems like we'd have to believe that no one in government ever noticed it before or that if they did, there was some sort of cover-up. Let's see what is established by the evidence assuming the process is transparent and can be reviewed. I'm definitely not taking Musk's word at face value.
Absolutely - it's quite likely that the spouse benefit is driving this data. But suckers are gonna keep suckin. Survivor benefits
According to the chart, there are over 12 million in the 120+ categories. Maybe start looking there. Sure, there are probably some survivor benefits in there but 12 million?
If there are millions more ss numbers than citizens, shouldn't factor into survivor benefits should it?
Why wouldn’t it? Dead people’s SS numbers are probably kept active until their beneficiaries are gone.
From Wired. I'm far from a computer guy, so I don't know ... No, 150-Year-Olds Aren't Collecting Social Security Benefits