See 92 (and you agreed with this?) Already starting to make the case. This stung China bad, but look! Our commie friends think we should repeal it. Color me shocked. Never once posted on Football board Showed up in October. Posts crap like this But you're going to give him a reach around?
Pollsters you can trust: Rich Baris Trafalgar Rasmussen Atlas Intel Patrick Bashan Okee could probably turn you on to others. Most pollsters can't be trusted
Russia isn't communist anymore. Your team is in he one that turned the US into the USSR. I've been here a year. Are you sure I've never posted on the football board? Urban Meyer was a fan of my analysis. Without me it's possible the Gators would only have 1 national championship in the Tebow era.
They were never communist then either. Just dickhead Russia being a paranoid dickhead to its neighbors like it has for 600+ years under the rule of a monarch and his vassals. Nothing ever changes in Russia.