Trump is a good communicator to a specific group, but is despised by many. Reagan was able to reach outside the Republican Party to every group.
And you can provide a credible link documenting that Clinton cut 100,000 jobs within his first weeks in office? According my research which I documented in a previous post Clinton launched the National Performance Review (NPR) in March 1993. The Review (NPR) released its first report in September 1993, listing 384 recommendations.[4] The report was the product of months of consultation with government departments and the White House, consolidating 2,000 pages of proposals.[3]. The proposals of the NPR which were then forwarded to Congress which approved a number of the recommendations while rejecting a number of others. If you're really interested in accuracy which certainly does not appear to be the case you can always read Post #30 since it appears that you didn't bother reading it in the first place.
Somewhat true but in Reagan's time there was a lot more overlap between what Democrats and Republicans thought. In football terms the Republicans stretched from their goal line to maybe the 45 yard line of the Democrats and vice versa. I think I read that the first Reagan tax cut passed the Senate 97-3. Nowadays there is much less overlap. Mitch McConnell hates Trump so he'll oppose him at times. Susan Collins is a liberal Republican. Lisa Murkowski seems like a Democrat in Republican clothing. Most Pubs and Dems are inside their own 30 yard lines, although I think the Dems have shifted more than the Pubs. They've tried to turn the US into the USSR. If Putin was communist they wouldn't hate him so much. They'd be wearing Monica Lewinsky's kneepads when they visited Moscow. Putin is anticommunist so he is hated.
chemgator represents the inverse of reality. Look at the Ukraine war thread. Wrong from the beginning and incapable of course correction. As Robert Barnes pointed out, comparing Trump's team to Biden's team is like comparing the Olympic team to the circus.
Reagan didn't think compromise was a dirty word. With Trump, it's his way or no way. Reagan would gladly give his political opposition wins in a compromise of it meant getting 80% of what Reagan wanted. Reagan got most of what he wanted, and knew not all opposition ideas were bad. When is the last time Trump compromised?
This sounds like he is currying favor from Trump just to divert investigating his grifter family. He knows basic psychology.
When Reagan was president Democrats were less radical and insane. Here,'s the proof,: Tell me 1 good idea Democrats have had in the last 10 years. Show me 1 thing Democrats are for that doesn't make America weaker.
Trump was a lifelong liberal Democrat. That's where he learned his meaning of the word "compromise." I wonder how come y'all don't like it when the table's turned? Seemed y'all loved you some our way or the highway, when it was y'all's side, dictating the terms of the negotiations.
His message is resonating well with many former Democrar strongholds like black men, Hispanics, and Jews. But I'll have to concede that that's partly attributable the the dums sucking fiercely, out loud, and in surround sound stereo, with their radical freak parade anti-American neo-progressive flakery. And the dums and their flagrant anti-Americanism sure are popular with Europe, the Canucks, and of course, their big Daddy, the Chicoms.
Trump's policies fueled that manufacturing growth under Doh! Biden: Trump Tax Cuts Revived American Manufacturing – Ways and Means Your misguided take, echoing sKamala's, was rejected by the ppl who count--the voters--again, exposing the abject stupidity of the Dums' campaign strategy of "yall are just too stupid to realize how wonderful we are": Harris claims Trump lost manufacturing jobs. Is that true? Here's a fact check. Iow--Covid. The Chicom attack, in conjunction with their puppet party here stateside, is why your numbers might be *accurate*--but still be straight up bullshit. And Covid re-opening (and Trump's policies) is what fueled Doh! Biden's 5.8% GDP in '21, not his policies, or anything he did Verdict rendered: Democrat = LLLLOSER.
@jjgator55 Oh, and the young...
Wall St Journal The Semiconductor Boondoggle The Chips+ Act is simply swing-state pork for lackluster tech companies Bloomberg: New Chips Act Could Become a $280 Billion Boondoggle Without added reforms and careful oversight, Congress’s gift to the semiconductor industry could make things worse. vegasfox: If you put Elon Musk in charge of building a semiconductor industry in the US you'd get more bang for the buck. Compare the efficiencies of NASA vs Space X. NASA projects take ~7 years to complete and cost overruns average average 90% (seems low but I have just 1 source). Space X projects take 4 years and cost overruns average 1.1%.
He’s crashed with this group. Not cool anymore? Trump sees massive drop in young people support after riding them to an election win
Don't even put them in the same sentence. Reagan would spit on MAGA and everything it stands for, none of which is conservative.
What are you going to do when Trump tells us that the Chinese are the good guys? Because that's coming, probably within the year.