All charges to be dropped against Vince McMahon while his wife refuses to say if black history classes should be taught in schools MAGA - you proud? law and order? lol Federal prosecutors drop criminal probe into ex-WWE boss Vince McMahon, his lawyer says Federal prosecutors have ended their criminal investigation into whether former World Wrestling Entertainment CEO and chairman Vince McMahon tried to cover up allegations of sexual misconduct with multiple former employees, his lawyer said Tuesday. “We have been in consistent communication with the government … and understand, with no ambiguity, that the investigation has definitively concluded and will not result in charges,” McMahon’s attorney Robert W. Allen said in a statement. ................................................... The investigation’s apparent termination comes less than a week after a grand jury and a federal appeals court examined whether WWE founder McMahon committed a crime by hiding allegations of sexual misconduct from two former female employees — whom he allegedly paid more than $10 million in exchange for signing nondisclosure agreements. McMahon and his former lawyer allegedly hid the allegations and payments from the company, including sharing “the executed agreement via text instead of email for the express purpose of avoiding the Company gaining knowledge of it,” according to the court ruling last Friday.
Speaking of grooming. can you imagine how low you have to be to groom your dead brothers wife into Fing you while she’s high on coke that you convinced her to take while she grieved her husband. or grooming your own daughter by showering with her at an age she is old enough to not only remember but come to the conclusion it was inappropriate before she launched herself into a life of self described sex addiction.
Agreed. Assuming that's accurate, I don't really know. But that's enough for me that they'd never get my vote for President. Now your turn wrt to voting for a guy who was adjudicated guilty and admitted to sexually assaulting women, and who was accused of sexual assault or rape by approximately 27 women. Wait - never mind. You'll vote for that!
I'll guarantee Judge Merchan wasn't the judge. On second thought Merchan would have dismissed it too because it wasn't Trump.
Dems took raping women off the table as an issue for presidential candidates decades ago. guessing you weren’t old enough to vote for Clinton. Oh wait. Nevermind bots can’t vote
LOL. Now when did Clinton admit to committing sexual abuse? And when was Clinton adjudicated guilty of committing sexual abuse? And when did Clinton settle a case even related to sexual abuse? Here, since you probably don't even know, I'll help you out, buddy; Never Never 1998, after any presidential votes had been cast For the record though; When did YOU cast a vote for a rapist? 2024. Be proud.