lol nope…Dems are an absolute mess and have many of the same issues republicans do. Out of touch, old folks…
I wish I were in control of BB distro. It'd arrive on my doorstep on the weekly. Congrats. They make some tasty stuff. Good for them for getting all the way down there.
My favorite Canadian cities are Ottawa and Vancouver. Wife has relatives who live both as well as Toronto.
My wife and I spent Eight hours in Vancouver. It was the only time we saw darkness during our Alaska cruise.
Blue states the New CSA, for you Marxists, that means Confederate States of America. After being Doged and exposed I am sure the CSA is looking for a new host because the current cash cow is drying up
Wait. So all the states that give more to the Fed than they take aren't the cash cow? I'm so confused by this post
You’ll receive confounding replies because libbies can’t understand a world where they and their massive govt dreams…they might dry up.
I researched it around 15 years ago. Think about states like Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina. Lots of minorities who vote heavily Democrat. The whites vote heavily Republican and the whites are paying the most in taxes. You can't blame these Republicans for their states having a bad ratio of taxes paid to federal benefits received. My recollection is I looked at Massachusetts and Republicans there also had a better ratio than Democrats. My recollection is I also got info from a blog named Half Sigma
What are you waiting on? Unless you are locked up in jail or your moms basement you should be headed that way.
It's actually the other way around. e.g. CA pays a lot more into the fed than it gets back. btw, not everyone who dares to disagree with you is a marxist.
Canada does a good job of making sure that American food makers take out numerous poisons and other chemicals in the food we send them. I can't wait till JFKjr. does that here in the U.S.A.
JFK Jr. died in 1999, unless you ask a Trump fan. Then he is some guy who shows up to Trump rallies that looks nothing like JFK Jr., which proves that it really is JFK Jr.
I kind of like this idea. Give it five years and we can march in and take all of it back plus Canada.
Tell me where you think it's not great when you're rich? (Other than Russia that is, since the world rationalized open season on rich Russians for their leader having had the audacity to threaten the world's money laundromat... i digress...). But the beauty of America--the American dream--is that the rich class is open to everyone. Anyone can become rich, if they play their cards right, and find a way to create and market value--to ppl who have enough money to exchange some of the wealth that they have been able to accumulate, for the stuff of value created by those who become rich. Or by poor Chinese children... they can buy their shit too. But do note... when there isn't much to the target class (those to whom the aspiring rich may market/target their created value) becoming rich, of course becomes much more difficult. Then, only the well connected politicians who fleece the target class, get rich. You know... the Democrat way--the thing DOGE is tearing down, which in turn, is causing a party wide melt down left of the aisle.