The word "felon" can no longer be spoken in the White House or on the White House grounds. Hilarious considering the current occupant is, in fact, a convicted felon. Hint: This is actually a fake, but still funny.
oh the horrors of it all you libs care more about calling him names that coming up with a solution to the outlandish fraud and waste in our guvment.
We’re not calling him name, we’re calling him what he is. Tried, convicted by a jury of his peers and sentenced in a court of law.
Getting rid of Musk and his leacherous companies would prove they are serious. Until then, don't talk to me about "eliminating waste" when the White House is being renamed the Grifter's House.
I'd rather him just come up with a solution to make life more affordable but I know that's not a part of the plan
But, but..... that's different. And nobody can make the poster answer an adult level question anyway so there. SMH
Probably the worst strategy towards reducing fraud and waste is to give unfettered discretion over the control of government agencies to a guy who does billions of dollars in business with some of the same agencies and/or has businesses regulated by those agencies. Kind of like designating the fox to guard the hen house.