Wish he would have come back earlier if he was coming back, but I'll take it. Hopefully he can get reacclimated quickly.
Dude looks like he had a glow up sitting on the sidelines in a T-shirt. Can't wait to see what he looks like.
Just a few games ago, he had second thoughts. I really hope he isn't forcing the issue because of injuries. He will be no good to us playing timid. We will soon find out. I only wish the best for that young man. Go Gators!
I hear you, but there's a different pace to game speed. I'd be surprised if he sees more than 10-12 minutes. I think we should keep our expectations in check.
If true, not wild about this decision at all, but the circumstances apparently are getting desperate.
We could be down 3 players for this game, and a bad ankle sprain can be 6-8 weeks. No inside information, nor am I making a prediction. If so, and MH is cleared and wants to play then the sooner the better.
I think his stamina will be good. He's been exerting as much energy on the bench as the on-court players
Dang, I hate hearing Alexis is also out. Kudos to Big Micah for returning. He saw the bat signal and knows the Commissioner needs him.
Good, give them both some minutes, it will only help in the long run this year and the bonus is next with a little experience.
I don't think his second thoughts were about health. They were about burning a season of eligibility for a team that was going great without him. Now things have changed and he doesn't want to see a special season start to come apart and do nothing about it.
My expectations are lots of second chance baskets. Micah is the second best offensive rebounder in UF history.
Yeah, big heavy dudes could push him down last season. He looks stronger now and should be able to hold his own against the beefeaters.
Yeah, he had a great knack for tipping in missed shots. Y'all might have noticed, with Condon and Martin out, MSU was one of the few teams that have outrebounded us this season. Those two play, and we win the glass once again. Condon is our best rebounder overall, and Martin our best rebounding guard. Micah can help fix this need right away. I suppose he'll be the first guy off the bench tomorrow.
Not gonna set high expectations for Micah. 10-15 minutes of quality backup time for Chin & Thomas will be great. Gotta get through tomorrow and then see how things shake out with Alexis & Martin.