Russia recently surpassed Japan as #4 GDP PPP in the world. And since it has the largest gray economy in the world it may be closer to #3. Nevertheless, it has a life expectancy problem, due in no small part to alcohol.
What if secession scenarios seem to always overlook that secession does not preclude freedom of movement and commerce. See: Sweden and Norway, Spain and Portugal and even the former Soviet Union breaking up.
US healthcare to sick man … “Can you sign over your 401k?” Canadian healthcare to sick man … “Have you thought about dying ?”
More cold water on a Bluer than Blue Union … 30% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck and 60% cannot afford an unexpected expense of $1,000. And Canadians are 25% poorer than Americans.
Canadians are happier at 15 on the list. We come in at 23. (Full list at bottom) Happiest Countries in the World 2024 but we are fatter. A lot fatter. US 42.7%. Canada 24.3% Obesity Rates by Country 2024
Davis. C'mon now. I had you as a man of taste. Tim Hortons? I know we're southern Canadians and all, but that coffee is straight piss. And I'm no coffee snob.