Canadian Hollywood would be pretty fun. Remaking "American Pie" as "Canadian Pie" where the kids trying to get laid are generally nice and practice safe sex. Crime movies about robbing the Tim Hortons very politely and such. Captain Canada dresses like a Mountie and carries a maple leaf shaped shield to fight all of Canada's enemies, which are none. So no sequel opportunities. French subtitles in every movie.
New poll shows Canadians overwhelmingly support public health care – Healthcare-NOW In a last-ditch effort to convince Canadians that their public health care system should be privatized, Canadian Medical Association (CMA) President Robert Ouellet has promised to “pull out all the stops” during the association’s annual meeting next week. Trouble is, Ouellet’s mission to lead the change to privatization is exactly the opposite of what 86 percent of Canadians want. A new poll conducted by the Toronto-based Nanos Research points to overwhelming support — 86.2 percent — for strengthening public health care rather than expanding for-profit services. “With more than 8 in 10 Canadians supporting public solutions to make public health care stronger, there is compelling evidence that Canadians across all demographics would prefer a public over a for-profit health care system,” said Nik Nanos, president of Nanos Research.
One tiny suggestion would be to add Cuba to the remaining US states. Yes, that would pull income stats down, but life expectancy, literacy and home ownership stats would go up and crime and homelessness stats would go down.
We’re already the richest major nation in the world and it’s not bolstering quality of life issues, infrastructure, etc. Plus, it’s just too cold.
Meh. It’s great if you’re rich and you position everything that helps the non-rich as socialism. The US just doesn’t work for everyone because too many are dumb enough to listen to the wealthy.
It’s an indicator. One of a few indicators but an important one. Russia leads in pints of vodka drank per person which I have weighted slightly less than national wealth and national parks. But I am open to hear you out.