Canadian politician Elizabeth May counter-offers Trump and tells American states they are better off becoming part of the Great White North. They even have a map.
The flea on the tail of the big dog has no say-so in this matter. The states they want are worth far more than they are.
Most of those red welfare states would be bankrupt pretty quick if they couldn’t mooch of the economic strength of California and NY.
Interesting, 2 items Canadians mention on why they don’t want to be part of the US, our health care - very expensive and a large percent can’t get it, also we can’t keep our kids safe because we basically give guns to everyone.
Was just there again in January. Best beer in the world. Great food. Solid ski hills. Very progressive but also very libertarian. Big fan.
It would serve maga man right if presided over the break up of the union. Make Amerca great again indeed.
I survived three years in Seattle. I love the Oregon coast and have family in California. I can learn to like hockey more, eh?
Canada is too big to be one U.S. State. Maybe it should be four U.S. States. I don't know how many Electoral College votes that would afford but it'd be 8 Senators.