Indiana teen arrested for allegedly plotting a mass shooting - ABC News Trinity Shockley, 18, was arrested for conspiracy to commit murder, intimidation and conspiracy to commit intimidation. She is being held without bond in the Morgan County Jail in Martinsville, Indiana. It said the tip revealed that the person in question was obsessed with Nikolas Cruz, the mass murderer who opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on Feb. 14, 2018. He killed 14 students and three staff members. The tipster described their friend as "Jamie," a 12th grader who identified as transgender, according to court documents. Snapchat messages sent to the tip line included one where "Jamie" characterized her plans as "Parkland part two," records showed. She disclosed being sexually attracted to Cruz and said that "she has already named the children" she planned to have with him, according to the documents. They also claimed that she showed the counselor a heart locket necklace with Cruz's photo inside and said she had written to him several times. Thank God they got to her before she had a chance hurt others
Well here we go. Democrats are fond of encouraging the mentally ill. This is an easy red flag to identify.
OP, just imagine if this 18 year-old transgender person didn't have access to an AR-15. We'd all be so much safer! Maybe President Doge can make that happen, under the all-important guise of DEI ....... while of course making sure that the rights of all other children to bear arms are not infringed upon. a tipster said their friend was planning an attack, had access to an AR-15 rifle and had just ordered a bulletproof vest.
You're missing the point: transgender people are bad. We've got to DOge something about them. ^ (get it )
If a mass shooting was stopped, that is a good thing. Far too many of these horrific events as it is.
Thank you God. Thank you for stopping the mentally unstable democrats from hurting others. They vote for it and this is what they want unfortunately.
“inside her notebooks were illustrations of swastikas and the words "kill," "bang" and "I hate you all DIE DIE DIE." "It was [the school's] understanding that Mr. Shockley did not believe in mental health treatment and did not take his daughter's conditions seriously," Well you can’t get much more MAGA than this.
The emotional release of swearing also helps keep the blood pressure down. I swear partly as a survival mechanism. Like in surviving a visit to this forum.