as more of this kind of crap comes out we will realize just how crooked certain parts of our guvment have been
It is like a high school kid doing a book report on the government. These dum-dums don't know what Thomson-Reuters actually is. It is a massive data company that collects all sorts of data on media and communications (as well as business and financial data and a bunch of other data).
Maybe it's just me but I wouldn't consider anything from Elon Musk as credible. He's essentially another purveyor of alternative facts with a very large personal social media platform.
I love the notion that people believe they paid them for "large scale social deception" and they just put that right on the front of the RFP for anyone to see. This very well may be waste, but they're intentionally misleading the rubes again. This has to do with cyber security, the DoD, and cyber hacking. And a completely different Reuters. But y'all wanna eat up the bullshit Elon keeps feeding you .
It’s not reliable info based on a Musk X repost, of another X post, that includes a screenshot of some cryptic document. And especially without hearing an explanation what it is other than ‘Musk says so.’ “Some of the things that I say will be incorrect." Musk, 2/11, in his Oval Office Q&A
Not a single person here has said they are against rooting out fraud and waste in the govt. Quit perpetuating this falsehood
Please note it was this poster that started the thread claiming " as more of this kind of crap comes out we will realize just how crooked certain parts of our guvment have been" as the singular and BTW ONLY comment on some twitpost. Here's the company: "What services does Thomson Reuters provide? We provide integrated tax compliance and accounting information, software and services for professionals. Our Tax and Accounting business serves CFOs; CPAs; local, state and national governments; law firms; tax & accounting firms; global trade organizations; educational institutions; and more."
Keep calling it like it is. The libbies hate it when they’re called out. They’ll just vote for more taxes next time anyways.
Just found this HILARIOUS info : "President Donald Trump and Elon Musk have settled on “radical left” Reuters as their latest target, with both men raging that the company was given a $9 million defense contract in 2018. “GIVE BACK THE MONEY, NOW!” Trump posted to Truth Social on Thursday. It was Trump, however, who was president in 2018; the cash was doled out under his leadership. Trump and Musk also failed to acknowledge the money did not go to the Reuters newsroom but to a different wing of the company" The contract and services occurred during the felon's admin..... priceless. SMH
It's clearly defamatory. It ought to be criminal. I wouldn't mind seeing a few $1 billion lawsuits because of this flaming idiot Musk and the idiots that are empowering him.
Bill, let's try to have an honest conversation here and not just accusations against each other. Start with a question: How do you know that this is a case of waste and fraud?
There's simply no level of lying, dishonesty or dipshittery that the MAGA cult won't tolerate from its lying, criminal grifters. After all, they were OK with one of them inciting an attack on the federal government. At this point, it will be interesting to see how it all plays out; do they actually reach some form of rock-bottom, where even the very very moral people and frequently conservative Christians, such as those on this board, find it unacceptable to support them? Or do we only find out in 10-20 years, or so, about their real transgressions- selling secrets, monetizing foreign policy, etc. etc. etc. At least it's kind of interesting to watch, in a sad country-down-the-toilet sort of way.