I just saw this on tv. Another prediction that I missed as I didn't think he would be able to get confirmed. There were no Democrat votes for him and Sen. McConnell voted no as well.
Can anybody tell me what his "merit" qualifications are to run a large health insurance company, research facilities, and a massive regulatory agency?
You assumed a Republican led Congress would be a separate, co-equal branch of government that would do its job? Totally understandable if you haven't lived under a rock since Newt Gingrich decided to burn the institution to the ground 30 years ago.
K-E-N-N-E-D-Y. Someone with that name once was President, so he's grandfathered into merit, competence, and "looks the part".
Guess you didn't see what he did to Samoa with his anti-vax bullshit: Experts saw Samoa's plunging vaccination rates as a crisis. RFK Jr. saw an opportunity.
I’m skeptical that horse paste is a cure-all, but I’d love it if RFK could mandate that the TV networks broadcast - subliminally - “Ivermectin” every five minutes.
Bonus: deaths from so-called childhood diseases were virtually eradicated prior to the advent of vaccines and antibiotics. To the Samoa hoax … The Killing Fields of Samoa
As long as he does NOT withhold medicines during flu season (or at any time) that's a good start. He should immediately reclassify VITAMINS to be vitamins and not drugs, like Pyridoxamine.
Grotesque. Not just a charlatan, a self-serving, profiteering charlatan. Not surprising at all that neither Trump nor his lackeys care that having this person in this role will hurt Americans.
I'm so old that I remember when a Republican president was forced to resign because most members of his own party would have voted to remove him from office. By the way I'm still predicting that Trump's absolute control over members of his own party will fade as he tanks the economy and his ratings drop in the polls.
Vitamins are up in the air, ditto DNA as we understand it. It’s why I don’t blithely toss around “mRNA.”
Think about Fauci. During the so-called AIDS crisis he allowed himself to be cowed and intimidated by the likes of ACT-UP. It clamored for a drug, no delay, no extensive testing … and it got it good and hard. You’d rather have people like that presiding over health ?
I don’t get the impression that Trump had control over his party. The election was a Trump wave, not a Republican wave. Trump is the outlier.
I don't think they will ever turn against him to the point of being willing to vote him out of office but I do think that at least some of them will end up showing at least a modicum of independence by refusing to rubber stamp his legislative initiatives and the confirmation of his nominees unlike now when Trump and co-President Musk can coerce virtually of them into falling in lockstep by threatening to primary them.