Unless I missed it, why didn't the refs look at the replay to determine if a common foul was the correct call. It certainly wasn't a basketball play. I think that was one of the reasons CTG was so livid.
Is this the play you referred to? This is a pretty clear video. Melendez seems to have a history. Flagrant 1 foul on Georgia's RJ Melendez vs. South Carolina
After re-watching the clip, yet again, it appeared to me that Condon landed on Melendez's foot at an awkward angle and immediately winced in pain in the next instant. That appeared to be followed almost instantly by M recognizing what was happening, at which point he grabbed Condon's shoulders and drove him downward with significant force. The "take this AH" look on his face didn't help much either. Make of that what you will, but IMO, CTG was right about that being a "dirty play" and right to speak out about it.
Later in the game, Melendez was accidentally kneed in the thigh by Chinyelu. He went down holding the wrong thigh...
He definitely didn't land on Melendez's foot, but Melendez did pull him down after his ankle was bent.
If no one was around Condon I think he twists his ankle just because of the manner in which his body was falling. When big tall people go for diving balls I cringe because of the possibility of issues like this because their long legs going in one direction and the ankle/feet going in the opposite direction. However having said that I don't think the MSU player did any favors to Condon taking a quick swip at his shoulders because I can understand what Golden is saying. Did the MSU player literally grab his jersey in a horse collar fashion to yank him backwards like what you would see during a football game when someone is yanking the shoulder pads from behind - answer is no. But the MSU player did take a minor swip at his back allowing Condon's momentum to continue in the direction he was going at a faster pace than what would have happened if their was no one around Condon when he was falling. I could care less it was intentional or not - that swiping action at his back should not have been done at all which is why you saw the reaction Golden give because any coach is going to defend his players in something like that. Was it a first class WWF move - no. Have I seen worse - yes. I would classify it as a minor cheap action for which Condon is lucky is it just a minor day-to-day ankle spain issue.
My contention is yes Condo sprained the ankle before contact but the human body's reaction is to immediately get pressure off of the joint. Not "fall" or get pulled over backwards. I'm no doctor so let a professional decide if the defenders actions could have exasperated the injury. I don't know. I do think its easy to say the defender was in no way helping Condo or trying to prevent him from injury. Someone's reaction trying to prevent injury would be to grab him and help hold him up from falling, not throw him over backwards.
Condon had rolled his ankle before he was ever touched. He then basically fell into the MSU player. Watch the video 108 posted.
Yes if you’re frustrated by someone getting an inbounds pass in the first 30 seconds of the game, you need serious help
Perhaps I'm wrong but it sure looked like he came down out the leap and contacted M's foot which likely caused him to turn the ankle. And there's no disputing what M did in that moment or that he at least appeared to have scurrilous intentions with the stunt he pulled. JMHO.
You guys are watching this in slow motion. Meanwhile, the MSU player has a 6'11", 230 lb guy falling on him in real time. Watch his hands. He never closes either one.
The only valid reason he would reach over the back is to go for the ball. The ball was at least 2-3 feet out of his reach at all times, yet for whatever reason he did put his hands on his shoulders. He removed them quickly because 1. Condo was falling back into him 2. he wanted to get away with the foul, which he did. Take from that what you will.
I thought he got called for the foul but I may be mistaken. Melendez only had 1 PF called on him the whole game.
I see absolutely nothing here. I don’t even think Melendez pulled Condon back at all. I think backwards was the only way Condon was going to fall, and the defender had his hands there. Condon falling as Melendez pulled his hands away, kinda makes it look like he is pulling him back… but I really don’t think that was the case.