We have before us the spectacle of the richest man in the world gleefully abolishing or freezing funds for programs that are depended upon by the poorest people in the world among others. If this is not pure evil, what do you call it?
if 10 cents on the dollar gets to these ‘poorest people in that world’. Would you consider the entities siphoning off that money more evil? What is your threshold ? 20%. 50%?
If 67% of all statistics on the Internet are made up, would that make the entities using made up statistics more evil? https://www.cgdev.org/blog/no-90-percent-aid-not-skimmed-reaching-target-communities
Just as the "INFLATION REDUCTION ACT" was anything but, thinking that every program significantly benefits the purported recipients is folly. High time to determine the ROI on the plethora of different spending that goes on.
What is the ROI on George Bush's HIV prevention program? What is the return of an African person not getting AIDs and dying?
I'm talking about this multibillionaire just ending all the funding, like abolishing USAID no matter what programs it has to help people, instead of just getting rid of programs that are wasteful. But I guess you agree with him that even the beneficial programs should be ended to prevent any siphoning of money.
well yes. If the end user of said ‘Aid’ is getting 10% then it’s scam and needs to be stopped and evaluated. Interesting that we can fly pallets of cash directly to places and 99.9999% of it gets to the end user. Yes we do send pallets of cash. C17s Full. And it stinks
My father was comptroller of a large Tampa company. When I was young he would volunteer his skills and help the united way telethons. I asked him why that telethon and he said the united way…at the time….had somewhere around 80% of donations made it to their intended recipients and that was highest by far. That lesson wasn’t lost on me.
I guess the important thing is, Donald Trump does not want any criminals benefiting from anything. Even if you have to let people die, so be it. Crime does not pay!
I did a lot of partner work with World Vision Intl for years. I believe their number is close to 90% which is astonishing. Edit: Just looked it up, yep...still at 87%. Great org.
Don’t know - those are the things we are now figuring out. We don’t know now. Knowledge beats ignorance and blind loyalty, correct? Hey, life has tough choices. The Constitution lays out what our priorities are - I could be wrong - but teaching a transgender puppet show is probably not on the list.
A. 80% is hardly unprecedented and is actually lower than many large charities. B. It appears that the USAID spending exceeds that, with 12% going directly to administration. In addition, many of their partner organizations, such as the Red Cross or Doctors without Borders, far exceed that as well.
Ooor maybe an alternative is to evaluate these boondoggle and cut out the ridiculous ones and steamlining the important ones, then maybe more money gets to the people that need it and actually save MORE people.
In an effort to ‘win an argument’ you are missing the point that he chose that specific one in the 80s because at the time it had the most efficient and highest percentage and it wasn’t close. Maybe he said 90. But that wasn’t the point. That efficiency was important to him and why he chose them to volunteer his accounting skills….. and that lesson was learned.
Impure evil. Obscene evil. Sorting the worthy programs from the wasteful ones would have taken too much time. Blitzkrieg, baby! Thoughtful, intelligent reform was never on Trump's program.
We are? Who is estimating the value of lives? Absolutely. But I am not seeing much in the way of knowledge. Lots of other made-up things aren't on the list too.
And the US primarily works with charities that exceed that total. Again, groups like the Red Cross far exceed that amount.
Yes, this is the way to do it! "USAID staffers until recently based in Congo describe the gutting of their agency by President Donald Trump and Musk, which they said left them abandoned and in danger from political violence in the African country’s capital. "As chaos reigned at USAID’s headquarters, with senior leadership removed and funding frozen, USAID workers and their families abroad had no agency help in fleeing after looters overran their homes in Kinshasa, several of the staffers said in sworn accounts to a federal court. "Congo-based USAID staffers who described getting out with nothing but their backpacks wrote of now being stranded in Washington, without a home or agency payments, and facing joblessness." https://apnews.com/article/trump-us...ional-crisis-2ee3374100720d093588e2234e8be601