I was hoping there was context to this but apparently not. Not sure why she would make such a ridiculous statement. If she was in my district that would be an automatic vote for her opponent. Since we’re talking about free speech, where was your indignation about the White House censoring the media this week? Was that also “shameful” to you?
Hmmm, earlier today, you seemed to want the government to tell Americans what they are allowed to say: FCC now looking into NBC/Comcast
That doesn’t even make sense. sounds like she meant something else Ayanna Pressley: My colleagues and I will work with anyone who is serious about 'censoring the American people' - The Daily Bo Snerdley
My guess is this is a bizarre word slip. Hard to know without seeing more than 19 seconds. There is an 8 minute video I found if anyone cares. I watched it. Hard to guess what she meant to say in that line, but as they were rallying about the CFBP (and she makes a decent enough case otherwise) and this line makes zero sense in that context, I’m going with word slip.
There should honestly be a case study done on this forum. How the attitudes and posting styles of people change from one regime to the next is fascinating. I doubt this was a slip of words. A quick google search on her shows other instances of attempting to censor.
Even if a person wants to stop some of the total BS on social media or do something like outlaw pharmaceutical advertising on TV (which we can acknowledge is to some degree forms of censorship), they aren’t going to stand in front of a rally and say “please join me so we can censor America!”. Nobody is that direct lol. This rally was for CFPB, consumer financial protection. Watch the video I posted. She clearly says censor, that much is true, but it makes zero sense relative to everything else she was talking about so that’s why I think word slip…
You may be right, but perception is what makes or breaks people nowadays. If she was someone who hadn't been accused of this before, it may be easier to pass off as a slip. I feel like even if that specific sentence was a slip, it rolled so easily off her tongue that she didn't even bat an eye or stop to catch herself. Side note, was it just me or did everyone's face around her go from agreement to 'wtf' in seconds? Probably just me lol.
Meh, there are plenty of examples of this on both sides throughout the history of this sub-forum. Im not going to call anyone out specifically, it wasn't the intention of the post. Thats why I didn't quote anyone or mention any names.